
Friday, September 19, 2014

The Bra Salesman Chapter 04

The Bra Salesman Chapter 04
by bobrobertson©

Chapter 4: The More, the Merrier

Tasha is straddling me, naked and rhythmically bouncing up and down as fast as she can on top of my extremely thankful cock, as I stare at her glorious 48-inch breasts wildly bouncing in front of me with spellbinding magnificence. I've been doing this every night for the past three nights, and there was a tiny part in the back of my brain that wondered if I would ever get tired of this. But watching her amazingly beautiful tits thrash in front of me as her tight, muscular cunt holds my erect eager-to-cum dick firmly inside her, I realized that I would have to be out of my fucking mind to ever get weary of this.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Bra Salesman Chapter 03

The Bra Salesman Chapter 03
by bobrobertson©

***The thank-you I had included in my previous story didn't make it (probably user error), so I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented and emailed me. I appreciate the support, and I hope you all enjoy the continued stories! :)***

Chapter 3: Practice Makes Perfect

"Hey there, Albert! Come on in!" Tasha greets me at the door with one of the loveliest, most friendly smiles I've ever seen. It's the kind of smile that seems to have its own source of light, glowing with the warmth of such pure generosity that it changes the entire dynamic of....

Ok, truth be known, I am only assuming that's what her smile looks like. I have no fucking idea what she is doing with her face right now because I am too mesmerized by what she's wearing. And what is covering her naked, perfectly-curved busty body is a barely-clasped translucent robe that just touches the tops of her thighs and nothing else.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Bra Salesman Chapter 02

The Bra Salesman Chapter 02
by bobrobertson©

Part 2: The Importance of Exercise

I cannot tell you how glad I am to get out of work today. I had to sit through two moronically pointless meetings today, and now I'm that much farther behind in what I have to get done even after putting in an extra hour today. All I need at this moment is to find a seat at the bar of my favorite drinking hole and get a scotch before heading home.

I am so drained, and not just from work. I broke up with my girlfriend last week, and I'm starting to reach that point where I'm second-guessing myself, wondering if maybe I'm a fucking idiot for dumping her. She wasn't the problem, it was me. I know people say that even when they think the other person was a total psychopath and it was totally their fault, but that's not what I mean. I was the problem. I mean, sure, we had been fighting some lately, but that's not why I finally ended it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My own story?

Hi gang,

Well, I’ve been encouraged to write my own story for inclusion here on our blog. I’m not a writer, more of an editor really. I’m afraid my own talents would pale in comparison to some of the lights of the erotic world that we have here.

We’ll see.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A comment about my purpose here

Anonymous wrote:
Thank you! Good read, I've been hoping you'd update this blog again sometime with a new story. Is this part of a series? If so, I'd like to see the rest of it. Hopefully you've got enough new stuff for a couple updates. It'd be sad to see the front page go silent like it did before.”

First off, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it’s part of a series and I do plan on posting more in that series.

Second, I will update the stories when, or if, I find stories worthy to be on here. I don't want to just duplicate Literotica or Lush or any other site's stories that have the search terms "big boobs" in them. As I’ve said before, quality not quantity.

Third, this blog is not my life. I saved it last year because I loved the stories and didn’t want them to just vanish and didn’t know they were in readily accessible form elsewhere.

Here’s some of the things you don’t know about me. I’m married; my husband works from home and is here all the time. He’s recently been hired full time and so we can stop the consultant merry-go-round that we’ve been on for several years now. But his new job is in IT and his days now run 12 to 14 hours every weekday and some weekends as well.

I quit work when my daughter was born because I was earning enough to pay for day care and that’s just stupid, in my opinion. So I’ve been the traditional stay-at-home Mom who looked after three kids, two not my own, volunteered at each of her schools, ran two Girl Scout troops, and now takes full time care of my daughter.

Speaking of my daughter, she’s home all the time also due to a chronic illness, tutors come several times a week for her. So my free time is neither frequent nor dependable since I spend as much time with her as I possibly can and still do the usual housework. I’ve learned to not fret over a messy house but to just focus on keeping a clean kitchen and bath and do the rest as time and energy permits.

Neither of them knows of this blog and I’m sure my husband would not approve. I’ve raised my daughter to be self-reliant and although I know she’s not had any sexual relationships I feel confident that she would understand what I am trying to do here.

You might ask what am I trying to do with a blog specifically about big breasts and oral/vaginal/anal/Lesbian/straight/incest (did that cover everything here?) sex and I think that’s a fair question.

These stories get me hot, make me horny, make me want to masturbate until I fall back against the sofa slick with sweat and panting, hoping that my sleeping husband and daughter who are two rooms away haven’t heard me. They seize my mind in places that set fire to my thoughts, thoughts that I cannot bring into my reality. They ignite my fantasy world and allow me a safe outlet for so many of my wants and desires.

I hope they do that for others as well. I took over this blog with the intent of making this a safe place to see those fantasies in print and to share with others. I don’t get paid, I don’t write them so I have no ego to stroke, I don’t look for constructive criticism so I can do things better. I really just saw this as a place I could be myself without all the stuff I usually have to deal with. A fine and private place, to quote Peter Beagle. Even a secret identity of sorts.

I do appreciate your comments, Anonymous. If anything they make me more aware of my readership and what pleases them. I will honestly try to be more of a presence here but I cannot promise a flood of stories like may have occurred in the past. If any of you have serious concerns, please write to me directly and we can talk.

So, there you have my rant for early September. Keep those cards and letters coming!
