
Sunday, March 1, 2015

"All problems in the world solved by having more sex" says headlines

Hi gang,

I was just watching a bukkake video and got to thinking.

I think just about all the problems in the world could be solved by the correct application of more sex for everyone.

I know it sounds stupid and you say what about hunger or disease or homelessness.

Well, try to look at it from my point of view. What if everyone, adults, got all the sex they needed? What if women, at the age of 21, received proper training in how to please a man sexually (I'm ignoring homosexuality for the sake of this argument)?

What if men got the same training to please women?

See, the way I look at it, we devote so much of our time to stupid hobbies when what we secretly desire is just to fuck the girl, or guy, next door into a coma and not wash our cars again.

Or scrapbooking. Or model aircraft. Or whatever. Devote all that time and energy into fucking. Getting our desires and needs totally met sexually. Every day. Several times a day.

I wish I could try this idea out somehow, like maybe on an island or something.

Yeah, right.


I think I masturbate too much, it give me crazy ideas.

I'm listening to him snore. He went to sleep early. I stay awake, doing this.

I'm watching sex videos and eating popcorn, totally not turned on by anything lately

I want to direct them so I could get them justright, ya know?

Shit, you guys don't want to hear my sob story. I don't know why I'm writing this or if I will publish it. Too real I suppose. Kara's life is not perfect, boys and girls. Sometimes she's just lonely. Sometimes she just wants what she can't have.

I suppose we all feel that way, maybe a lot of the time. Is happiness not feeling that way?

He makes a lot of money doing his job, his endless job, his 12 hour days. Click click click his keyboard goes all day. That pays for everything we do, food, house, clothing, all the stuff of life.

I cook, I try to clean, the laundry is piled up downstairs. My daughter has good days and bad.

She's on a new med, last week was bad for her. Headaches and cramping most of the time. Endless fatigue, not able to focus. I can't imagine I can't imagine, I just can't. What she is going through might last another 5-7 years before it tapers off.

I would take it all, ALL of it, on myself, no hesitation, to make her well again.

Stupid thoughts.

I have to get up tomorrow, today now, and go to three stores and the grocers to get everything we need for the coming week. I need to wash a pile of clothing that is getting knee deep. I have dishes and cleaning to do.

I don't feel like doing any of it right now. I just want to sit here and be left alone. Let me stew in my own juices.

Speaking of juices, I like ketchup on my pot roast. I use Cook's Illustrated recipes for most of the things I cook, the serious things. I really like their pot roast but it takes so fucking long, 4 hours from beginning to end. But the taste, oh the taste is so so good.

It's 1:11 in the morning and here I am, awake, and talking to strange men about my life. Any women out there in Chesttalk land? Write to me, if there are. I'd love to talk about things.

I think my blood sugar is low. I need to sleep, I need a big glass of ice cold milk, I need a mind-bending orgasm. I need to be worshipped as the Goddess I truly am. I need to cuddle and I need to sleep.

Goodnight all.



  1. Stay strong Kara. So many people rely on you... u just gotta keep going

    1. Thank you,my anonymous friend. Sometimes all it takes is just one voice raised in support.
