
Friday, April 3, 2015

Update for April 3, 2015

Hi gang,

I'm typing with only nine fingers right now since yesterday I sliced a huge gash into the tip of my right middle finger while washing a newly professionally sharpened chef's knife. It shocked me more than it hurt and I think that was due to the incredible sharpeness of the blade. After an hour it was still bleeding so my family took me to the doc's, me still in my fuzzy pjs with a bloody paper towel wrapped finger, and they glued the skin together rather than stitching it up. That was a happy thing right there!

The series called The Bra Salesman and Bosom Buddies are both finished and I'm going to work on any other series and finish those up before I start something new, I think.

I'd love feedback, even anonymous feedback is cool. At least that way I know I have interested readers. I do enjoy talking with you although it does seem like a monologue rather than a dialogue most of the time.

So please, ask me anything. I'm happy to talk about whatever you'd like.

Bloody but bandaged and happy,


  1. Are you going to finish up the 'Mom becomes a Cheating Slut' series??

    Also great job posting these stories. Looking forward to a new series!!

  2. Yes, that is on the list. And thank you for the compliment! I aim to please!


  3. I think, the important thing is you do not strain your hurt finger: let it heal! ^_^
    there is no hurry, if writing has to be painful or unpleasant!

    heal soon!

  4. Awwwww, how sweet of you! Thank you for the concern! I'm doing okay except for the huge, bandaged "fuck you" finger, lol. Today is doesn't hurt as much but typing is an exercise in frustration since it hits like three keys at once even when I don't want it to hit any! Lots of hunting and pecking and erasing.

