The Office Team-Building Day Chapter 4
by thewhitestripe©
House Call at Carmen's
My car's engine died as I turned the keys and pulled them out of the ignition. I looked up at the massive house in whose driveway I had just parked. The two-storey house towered in front of me, made more impressive by the large Doric pillars on the covered porch. While I was impressed by the house, I was not impressed to be called there on a sunny Saturday in the middle of summer.
I had received a call late that morning from Carmen. Displeased with my progress on a client presentation, she had demanded that I complete it at home and e-mail it to her.
"I asked for your input on that presentation several times last week, Carmen. I've completed it as much as possible without getting your input on how to proceed," I said, slightly annoyed.
"Well then I guess you'd better get over here to work on it with me," replied Carmen coolly.
My car's engine died as I turned the keys and pulled them out of the ignition. I looked up at the massive house in whose driveway I had just parked. The two-storey house towered in front of me, made more impressive by the large Doric pillars on the covered porch. While I was impressed by the house, I was not impressed to be called there on a sunny Saturday in the middle of summer.
I had received a call late that morning from Carmen. Displeased with my progress on a client presentation, she had demanded that I complete it at home and e-mail it to her.
"I asked for your input on that presentation several times last week, Carmen. I've completed it as much as possible without getting your input on how to proceed," I said, slightly annoyed.
"Well then I guess you'd better get over here to work on it with me," replied Carmen coolly.
"What? Why can't you just make the changes and send it back to me?"
"We need to work together; don't argue with me on this," she said sternly. "I expect you at my house in the next half-hour. My address is..."
So there I was, staring up at Carmen's mansion, contemplating my ruined Saturday.
I reflected on the two weeks that had passed since Carmen had organised a rendezvous with Nat and me in her office that fateful morning. I had anticipated an escalation in our relationship from a purely professional one to a more sexual one. Although I had had sex with Sarah and Nat on a few occasions since that morning, Carmen had acted like that morning in her office had never happened. She remained stern and demanding towards me, and I had absolutely no leverage since she had damning evidence that could easily get me fired, or worse. I resigned myself to the idea that that morning had been a punishment; a tease. She knew I was attracted to her, and she had dangled possibilities in front of me, only to snatch them away. It had worked.
Expelling a resigned sigh, I grabbed my briefcase and walked up the steps to the porch. I rang the doorbell and waited. I heard faint footsteps just before the door swung open. The sight that met my eyes nearly made me cum in my cargo shorts.
There stood a beautiful teenager with straight brown hair--a long fringe falling across her forehead, big brown doe eyes, and a white dress with tiny blue polka dots. She was short, curvy, and baby-faced, with slightly pouty lips. Her most noticeable feature, however, was the pair of humungous breasts squashed lusciously between the navel-level scooped neck of her dress. I stood, stunned, unable to look away from her gigantic bulging bosom. As I stared, I noticed her nipples were poking through the thin material. She was quite obviously not wearing a bra, since it would have been visible underneath her dress.
"Can I help you?" she said, putting a hand on her hip and pursing her lips.
I looked up into her beautiful brown eyes, then removed my sunglasses, hooking them in the neck of my t-shirt.
"Yeah, I'm sorry—is Carmen available?" I asked, trying to recover my senses.
"Can I ask who's calling?" she said.
I told her my name and that I was a colleague of Carmen's.
"She's expecting me," I finished, involuntarily glancing downwards at the girl's gargantuan tits, then clearing my throat and looking upwards as if something on the ceiling had caught my attention.
"Ok, come in, I'll tell her you're here," said the lovely teen as she opened the door wide and gestured for me to enter.
I felt my arm gently brush the frills on her dress, and I felt goosebumps form on my body. I walked past her, trying to hide my semi-erect cock with my briefcase as she shut the door. I gazed at her curvy waist and plump ass as she closed the door. She turned around and looked at me for a moment, before taking a step forward and extending her hand.
"I'm Emma, by the way." I took her hand in mine.
"Pleasure to meet you, Emma. And you know Carmen ...." I faltered, not knowing how to finish the sentence.
"She's a friend of my mom's. But I'm just living here for the summer. I'm working in the city... I go back to uni in a couple months" said Emma, asserting her age and maturity, no doubt. I took it as a positive sign.
"Ah, I see. You must find it hard to go back to student dorms after living here. This house is beautiful," I responded.
"Yeah, it's pretty great," she smiled shyly, and leaned back on the staircase banister, her hands behind her.
Her breasts bulged obligingly, and I was certain they would burst out from behind the thin cotton to reveal themselves to my hungry eyes. I barely managed to hold her eye contact as I gave her a friendly smile. We smiled at each other for a few seconds, before I decided to break the silence.
"Um... is Carmen—" I started.
"—oh right! Sorry," blurted Emma, as she turned to go up the nearby staircase to the 1st floor.
I watched as the hem of her dress danced about the tops of her shapely legs, but could not get a glimpse of her panties.
She returned a minute later, lightly bounding down the steps. This time, I was unable to look away, as her round melons bounced in time with her steps, each time threatening to escape from her dress. My cock got harder. She stopped in front of me, and caught me staring at her nearly-bare breasts. I had no defensive comment. Emma smiled widely.
"Pretty impressive, aren't they?" she said, putting her hands on her hips and smiling knowingly.
"Oh, I—I... ehm.." I stammered badly.
"It's ok. At least you're not a gross old man... plus you're pretty cute."
I smiled sheepishly, blushing scarlet.
"Thanks Emma. I'm really sorry for being so rude, but you are very, um... distracting. In a good way."
"Thanks," she said, holding her elbows below her balloon tits and smiling.
"Carmen said you can go up and meet her in her office. It's the second door on the left."
I nodded thankfully to her and walked up the stairs, holding my briefcase in front of my massive erection. At the top of the stairs I looked over my shoulder and got a nice view of Emma's tits as she walked below me, towards the back of the house.
I entered the office, admiring the mahogany furniture, and addressed Carmen, who was sitting behind the desk.
"Good afternoon, Carmen. How's things?" I said.
"Busy, as always. Have a seat and let's get this done," she motioned to the chair beside her.
I sat, glancing down the top of her white tank top. Her breasts were bulging outwards as they sat heavily on her desk as she leaned forward, her hands clasped under her chin. I sifted through my briefcase, brought out the work and set it on the desk in front of us, taking the opportunity to ogle Carmen's bust. I sat down, and we began to work.
I set my pen down, leaned back in my chair, and ran my hands through my hair, blinking hard. We had been working hard on the project for hours.
"Carmen, can we please finish up soon. Most of my Saturday is gone as it is. I'm happy to work more on this tomorrow, but I'm just about finished for today," I said, feeling exasperated.
Carmen looked up from the laptop, assessing my sincerity. She sighed and leaned back in turn, her breasts bulging over her tight top, her hands linked on her stomach.
"I suppose we've done enough," she admitted. "Look, I know I drive you hard, but I do appreciate the work you do. I would not have asked anyone else to come here and work on this with me on a Saturday—and that's a compliment. Listen, why don't you head downstairs, get yourself a drink from the fridge, and take a seat by the pool. You deserve it. I'll join you in a few minutes."
It was the first kind gesture I had received from Carmen in weeks. I was surprised, but not about to refuse.
"That would be nice. Is it just out the back?" I asked.
"Yeah, straight down the hall and through the kitchen," replied Carmen, standing and shuffling papers on her desk.
I put my papers in my briefcase and headed downstairs. I followed her instructions, entering the large kitchen and opening the fridge. I took out a cold beer, opening it straight away and tossing the cap on the counter. I took a long swig, enjoying the cold amber liquid soothing my throat. I opened the sliding doors and walked out onto a large open-plan patio. There were several deck chairs, sun loungers, and a patio table. Off to the left there was a separate area for the Jacuzzi.
I approached one of the chairs, and saw Emma half-reclining in one of the loungers, reading a magazine.
"Hey Emma. Lovely day to be outside," I commented.
"Oh hiya. Yeah it is amazing out here. All finished work I see," she nodded her head towards the beer in my hand.
"And none too soon. My brain is fried."
I sat in one of the patio chairs and took another drink. Emma had large, dark sunglasses on, and was still wearing her sexy scoop neck dress. Her nearly exposed breasts were a faint pink from the sun. I tried not to stare.
"You going in the pool?" she asked. I looked at her, then out at the pool, squinting in the sunlight.
"I don't have a swimsuit."
"Oh." Emma seemed disappointed.
I wiped a bead of sweat from my brow. After another quick glance at Emma's tits, I decided to take the initiative.
"It's bloody hot out here. You wouldn't mind if I just jumped in in my underwear, would you?" I set my beer on the patio table.
"Um, no... No that's fine with me." Emma sat up straighter and lowered her magazine onto her lap.
I smiled and pulled off my t-shirt, then removed my shorts. I was wearing a tight pair of black boxer-briefs, and a smile.
I have to say at this point (abandoning modesty) that I'm rather proud of my body. I keep active, get to the gym regularly, eat well, and am lucky enough to be gifted with genetics that cause me to turn heads, on occasion. I am average height, a little shy of 6 foot, I have short, brown hair, hazel eyes, and while not bulky or 'ripped', my musculature is toned and well-defined.
I faced Emma the whole time I disrobed. She stared at me the whole time, but I was unable to see where she was looking due to her sunglasses. The bulge of my cock showed obviously through the thin cotton. I turned and dove into the pool, enjoying the cool water as it washed over my body.
"You should come in, Emma," I called out.
Emma put her magazine on the table and stood up. Brushing the edges of her dress over her thighs, she slowly walked over to the poolside and sat on the edge, dipping her legs in the water at the shallow end. She put her arms at her sides, palms on the pool edge and leaned slightly forward. Her breasts now hung magnificently in front of her, almost as if they wanted to dive into the pool themselves. I swam over and stood a few feet in front of her.
"That's what you're going to wear swimming? Okay then," I said.
"No, silly, I'm just coming over to make conversation," she replied half-mockingly. "And don't even think about—"
It was too late. She had fallen into my trap. I lunged forward, grabbing her wrists and pulling her forcefully into the water. With nothing to hold on to, she fell helplessly, her head tilted back and to the side to avoid the spray as her tits splashed into the water. As I leaned back, her head disappeared under the water. I let go and stood once more at a safe distance, knowing what would follow.
Emma emerged from the water, dripping. Her hands pushed her hair out of her face and she blinked rapidly. I stared at her, grinning. Her dress was completely see-through. Her pink Ritz cracker-sized areolas and erect nipples showed clearly through the fabric that clung to her mountainous bust. I felt blood surging into my loins.
"You fucking bastard!" she shrieked. "I can't believe you did that!" She gestured wildly, her tits jiggling as water continued to drip from them.
"I'm sorry Emma, but it was too tempting to resist. Kinda like you are now," I stepped closer to her, just out of arm's reach.
She looked down at her soaked body, her see-through dress. Instead of covering herself, she lowered her hands to water-level and looked up at me.
"If you wanted me to show you my tits, all you needed to do was ask."
She remained still, waiting for me to move. I stepped forward, fixated on her cleavage. She lunged forward into the water in front of me with catlike swiftness. Taken by surprise, my hands flew up to deflect the splash, but her intended target was lower. Her head struck me in the stomach and I stumbled backwards as if in slow motion. I felt her hands roughly grip the material at my hips, her nails scratching my skin. As I fell, she jerked her hands down, taking my underwear with them.
When I regained my footing, spluttering, I was completely naked. Emma emerged from the water, flinging her hair back, and holding my underwear up. She was looking down into the water, trying to get a clear look at my semi-engorged cock. I strode toward her and she flung my underwear back over her head. They landed on the lawn behind her.
"Now we're even," she said, crossing her arms over her impressive bust.
"What's going on out here?" called a familiar voice.
Our heads spun as Carmen walked onto the patio carrying a glass and a bottle of what looked like sun oil. She was wearing the tiniest black bikini I had ever seen, and had a towel draped over her arm. Her tits were nearly exposed, and I could tell her pussy was shaven clean.
She put the oil and her drink on the table and strode over to the pool edge, her breasts bouncing with every step. My erection grew harder under the water.
"He pulled me in!" cried Emma.
"She took my underwear!" I shouted in defense.
"Emma, get out please," Carmen held the towel out, staring me down.
"Now. I'll deal with this." Carmen was firm.
Emma looked at me, again trying to see through the water to my penis, then back to Carmen. She eventually waded her way to the steps, holding the railing as the emerged from the water.
She approached Carmen, then before taking the towel, turned fully towards me and pulled her hair back and over her shoulder, squeezing the water over her tits. I could see from the thin film of her white cotton dress that she was not wearing any panties, and I relished the full view of her buxom body, her boobs bulging to the sides, her nipples hard, the dark patch of hair above her pussy like the dot of an exclamation point.
Carmen thrust the towel in front of her, and Emma finally took it, grinning at me, before turning around and going inside.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Carmen crossed her arms.
"My apologies, Carmen. But how hot did she look in that wet dress?" I chuckled.
"Excuse me? This girl is my friend's daughter!" She pointed towards the house, her breasts pulling the string of her bikini tight between them.
"And you're just doing her a favour, I know," I said sarcastically.
Carmen stood in stunned silence. I took the steps out of the water, my stiff cock standing erect in front of me, bobbing with my steps. I stood directly in front of her.
"I don't know how you feel about cock, Carmen, but I've seen the way you look at Nat and Sarah in the office. I saw you getting off while we fucked, and I'm not sure what happened when I left your office that day, but I'm pretty sure it involved some girl-on-girl action."
I was being bold, but my frustration at being interrupted with Emma had made me so. Besides, technically I was off the clock and outside the office—and Carmen knew it. She could ask me to leave, but she could not sack me.
She looked angry at first, then her eyes became calm. She looked down at my dick. She began to reach for it, then moved to the side and took my hand. She led me back to the patio and laid down on one of the sun loungers. She lowered it flat like a bed and undid the string of her bikini top.
"Put some oil on me," she said.
Would this be my chance to finally fuck her? My cock twitched as I picked up the oil and squired it on her back. I knelt beside her and started to rub it in.
"Don't be shy, you can straddle me. Do it properly, at least."
I sat astride her legs, my scrotum touching the bottom of her ass. My cock twitched again, then came to rest on the triangle of thin material which disappeared between her ass cheeks. I massaged her bare back, coating her in oil. I began at her upper back and neck, moving down to her shoulders, then to the sides, making sure to run my fingers over the sides of her breasts bulging out from under her.
"So you think I'm a dyke," Carmen said suddenly.
"Your words, not mine," I responded.
The tips of my fingers lingered at her side-boobs, enjoying the pillowy flesh.
"I do like women. They allow me to be sexually uninhibited. Men... well, I have trust issues with men. I've found it's just easier with women. No emotions to get in the way."
"We've all be burned at one time or another, Carmen. It's no reason to switch teams."
I moved my hands downward, squeezing her waist and massaging her lower back. A bead of pre-cum had formed at the tip of my dick.
"But why are you letting me touch you now if you don't trust men?" I asked.
"I like you. I know I shouldn't, but I think about you a lot. When I saw you with Nat and Sarah at the office retreat... I don't know. It made me furious that you chose them over me."
"You're my boss, Carmen. I was afraid of approaching you that way. Not that I didn't want to. God, it drove me crazy to look at you in your bikini all day."
I rotated my hips and slid my cock along the cleavage of Carmen's full ass. My pre-cum stuck to one of her ass cheeks as I hooked my dick head under the bikini string. Carmen spun around, holding the loose material of her bikini top over her chest, just barely covering her nipples. I sat up, my cock hard as diamond, pointing straight at her. She sat up, put her legs on either side of the sun lounger, and inched closer to me, not taking her eyes off mine.
She stopped, her mouth an inch from the tip of my penis.
"This is your punishment," she said, as she gently blew on my dick head.
I was about to grab the back of her head and thrust my cock into her waiting mouth, when she suddenly stood up. She tied her bikini top back up and smiled at me. As if on cue, the doorbell rang from inside.
"Better get your pants back on, sweetie," Carmen giggled as she sauntered into the house.
I couldn't believe my bad luck. I walked back to the pool and pulled on my underwear, barely managing to tuck my throbbing cock under the waistband. I was about to collect my clothes when Carmen returned with a woman about her age, not quite as attractive, but with the biggest tits I had ever seen. She wore a light green spaghetti strap tank top and I though her massive orbs would snap the straps at any moment, if my dick didn't snap my waistband first.
"Oh, you have company," mused the new woman.
Carmen smiled and introduced me, glancing down at the obvious bulge in my underwear.
"And this is Gina," she said.
Gina stepped forward and I shook her hand, trying not to stare into the depths of her cleavage.
"A pleasure," I said.
"I can see that," relied Gina softly, with a nod towards my groin, and a subtle wink.
I felt my face getting hot as my erection throbbed. I thought I would blow my load in my underwear if one of the girls so much as brushed against me.
At that moment, Emma returned from inside, wearing a bikini top of her own. It was a string bikini, similar to Carmen's but bright pink. I stared blatantly from one magnificent set of tits to the other, doing my best not to openly salivate on myself.
Carmen gave a stern and disapproving look to Emma as she passed; Emma returning a cheeky smile. She approached me and stood next to Gina.
"Hi mom," said Emma. Gina was staring at my groin, her eyes half-lidded, a finger playing with a lock of her long brown hair.
"Oh, hi sweetie! I didn't hear you come out."
They hugged as I tried to regain my composure.
"I just thought I'd stop by to see how you're doing." Gina turned to face me again as she said this, looking me up and down.
Emma looked at her mother, then to me. She rolled her eyes, and I couldn't help but smile at her.
"I'm FINE, mother. I see you've met our guest."
"Indeed I have. Carmen's lucky to have such a handsome colleague. I bet you two were working very HARD today..." the emphasis she placed on the words was pointed, and she tittered at what she perceived was clever innuendo.
"And it was just about quitting time, wasn't it?" Carmen piped up, and picked up a towel from the table, holding it out to me.
"So soon?" I whined.
Carmen fixed me with an icy stare and I got the message. Gina continued to ogle me and Emma frowned slightly as I went past. I collected my clothes and took the towel from Carmen. I leaned in close to her.
"You are a very cruel woman," I spoke softly to her.
"I thought you'd be used to it by now," she replied, but her initially severe expression melted into a sly grin, and she gently patted my bottom on my way past her into the house.
My erection was raging at this point, and if I didn't relieve the pressure I was at serious risk of getting blue balls. We went to the upstairs bathroom to get changed, when I noticed Carmen's bedroom door was open. I listened for voices outside, and when I was satisfied that the girls were chatting I snuck silently into her chambers.
Her room was large, with a walk-in closet, a queen size bed, and a gigantic mirror on the wall next to the bed. I had a devilish plan in mind. I went through a few of her dresser drawers, before finding her underwear in the topmost right one. I took out a pair of lacy black panties and walked to the side of the bed. Throwing the covers back, I pulled my waistband down, freeing my boner. I wrapped the panties around my hard shaft and began stroking my cock.
The pleasure built quickly, not only because of the teasing I'd endured, but also because of the exhilaration of doing something so bold, so wrong. Soon I felt myself getting close. I tossed the panties onto the sheets and stroked my dick furiously, cupping my balls.
I moaned deeply, biting my lip as a thick wad of jism spurted from my tip and dropped onto the bed sheets. I continued to tug and another jet sprayed directly onto her panties. Three more shots splayed themselves across Carmen's mattress and panties. The amount of cum staining the sheets was obvious, and after one more splash my orgasm subsided.
Quickly, I fetched my phone and snapped a point-of-view shot of me holding my cock over Carmen's soaked panties. I wiped my dick on her bed sheets, then replaced the covers as best I could, fleeing to the bathroom to get changed. After returning downstairs, I stepped outside once more.
"Alright ladies, I'm off. Thanks for a lovely afternoon, Carmen. We must do it again, preferably with less office talk."
She moved to get up from her lounger, but Gina beat her to it.
"It was nice to meet you. I hope next time Carmen won't be so exclusive," she said as she approached me with open arms.
I stared at her nipples poking through her tank top before I returned the embrace—a very friendly one, at that. She pressed her breasts hard into my chest and pushed her pelvis into mine as she kissed my cheek. Carmen approached me next, but motioned for me to go inside. I waved to Emma.
"I'm sure I'll see you soon, Emma. It was nice to meet you, and sorry about the pool thing. Well, not THAT sorry," I admitted.
"Yeah, I'll get you back for that, you can count on it," she said, putting her hands on her hips aggressively, but betraying a smile and a blush.
At the front door, Carmen and I stopped and looked each other in the eye.
"Speaking as your friend, I had a really nice time today. I think we work well together, and it's nice to see a little bit of your... um... personal side," I said, smiling and touching her arm.
Carmen didn't seem to know how to react at first. Eventually, her dark eyes softened and the corners of her sexy mouth turned up subtly.
"I'd like to have you over again. Maybe without the work bit," her hand casually stroked her collarbone.
I leaned closer to her. She put her hand on the side of my neck and closed her eyes. Our lips were only millimeters apart.
"Wait!" a cry came from the kitchen.
Carmen and I jumped and looked around distractedly. Emma came bouncing into the foyer.
"Can I get a ride to my friend's place?" Emma asked. "My mom's staying here until Monday, so I can hang out with her tomorrow."
"Uh, yeah, sure," I replied.
Emma smiled widely then bounded off up the stairs. Carmen chuckled.
"Oh I'm sure she wants a ride from you."
"Heh, yeah... Well, I'm sure it's innocent enough—"
"Oh stop. She wants to fuck the shit out of you, just like her mother. I certainly don't blame you for doing it either." Carmen looked up the stairs.
"Those big, soft, 19-year-old tits are just... mmmmm," she hummed as she pushed her shoulders inwards, creating some lovely cleavage.
"Hey, you certainly don't need to look far to see some wonderful breasts," I motioned to her chest.
She looked back to me and tilted her head to the side.
"Well aren't you sweet," she said, an expression on her face I couldn't quite identify. Was it sarcasm, or flattery?
"I hope one day we can have some fun together. You got me really excited back there. It's just mean to tease me like that."
A wry grin was her only reply.
She kissed me quickly and softly on the lips before turning and walking to the back deck, her womanly hips swaying tantalizingly, without a single glance backwards.
* * *
"So where am I dropping you off?" I asked Emma as we drove down the road.
She had put on a thin, loose white top over her bikini, which was visible through the material. She wore very short jean shorts and sandals. Her dark hair blew with the wind from the open windows of my car.
"Your place would be fine."
"But I thought—"
"I'd rather hang out with you," she said, touching my thigh.
I did not argue.
"Alright then. But I don't have a pool," I quipped.
Emma laughed.
"Then what trick are you going to play to see my tits?"
"I'm sure I'll think of something," I said, accelerating.
As we drove, I picked up my phone and selected a photograph from the phone's memory. I wrote the text, "Sweet dreams," and sent it with the picture, smiling to myself.
* * *
Carmen strode onto the back deck, closing the screen door behind her. Gina was reclining in a sun lounger, and had removed her tank top, freeing her massive melons. The nipples were large and deep pink in colour. The heavy flesh spread over her chest, causing them to bulge at the sides of her torso, making them as pillow-like as ever. She had removed her jean shorts as well, proudly displaying her 'landing strip'.
"I love the privacy you have at this place, hun," she mused. "You must hardly ever put clothes on."
"You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?"
Carmen approached Gina, leaned over her, and kissed her on the mouth for a good 10 seconds, their tongues intertwining, Carmen's hand drifting over Gina's pubic hair and up to her bellybutton.
"Feeling frisky?" asked Gina, after their lips parted.
"I know YOU are. I saw what you were doing back there," responded Carmen, sitting on the lounger next to her friend.
"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to ogle your boy, but he is a fine specimen."
Gina tilted her sunglasses up on her forehead to look Carmen in the eyes.
"Is that his actual... I mean, that bulge looked—"
"—It's real, Gene. I hardly believe it myself, but it's all his."
Without realising she was doing it, Carmen inserted her index finger between her lips and bit gently on the nail.
"Hunny, you have to let me see it! Do you have pictures? Did you take a video? How did it FEEL?! He must have stretched your little pussy good!" Gina spoke quickly as she smiled and sat up eagerly, putting a hand over her abdomen as if feeling the cock of which she spoke poking her from the inside.
"I know what you're going to say, Gene, but I haven't fucked him. I haven't even touched that magnificent cock of his," Carmen sighed.
"Oh, not this again, Car. Sweetie, you've got to let it go. For your own sake. You don't have to fall for him. Just fuck him! Fuck his brains out and get this whole man-phobia out of your system!"
Gina sat up in her lounger and turned to face Carmen. She put her hands behind Carmen's head and moved closer. Gina's bare breasts pressed ever so slightly against Carmen's bikini-clad mounds. Both women's nipples hardened in response.
"Carmen, I love being with you. You turn me on like no one else. But I know for a fact that we both love men. We crave their bodies, their cocks... and their hearts. Don't deny yourself anymore. I think you'll find it will be easier than you imagine." Gina looked deeply into Carmen's eyes, which had just looked up from their pairs of fabulous bosoms.
She sighed heavily.
"Thanks, hun. I probably needed to hear that; especially from you," Carmen admitted.
Carmen's hands rested on Gina's thighs. She leaned in again and kissed Gina open-mouthed.
"Let's go upstairs. I need to get out of the sun for a little while, and I wouldn't half mind having my pussy eaten," said Carmen naughtily.
Gina licked her lips playfully and stood to go inside. As Carmen followed her, her mobile which was sitting on the table beeped to indicate a received text message. She picked it up and opened the message. Her mouth fell open. Carmen watched Gina climb the stairs in front of her, her little asshole peeking out from behind her full buttocks as she stepped.
"So, tell me about your little encounter with Mr. Horse Cock," said Gina.
They entered the bedroom and Carmen stood next to the bed.
"Well, I'll tell you one thing: he's a bold, naughty boy," said Carmen, slyly.
She pulled back the top cover from her bed. Beneath was a massive splattered wet patch. In the middle lay Carmen's black panties, laden with white globs. The smell of man juice filled the air.
Gina gaped. Slowly, she pointed at the sticky mess. She took a step closer and bent over it. Her finger, still extended, poked at a particularly large glob on the crotch of Carmen's panties. She turned her head towards Carmen, who had crossed her arms and wore a bemused expression.
"That's... oh my..." stammered Gina.
Carmen held out her phone so Gina could see the picture she had been sent. Gina's eyes widened even more. She stood up straight and examined the white fluid on the tip of her finger. She put it in her mouth, sucked it clean, and smacked her lips. "Wow. That man wants you bad, honey," she said emphatically.
Suddenly, Gina jumped as if shocked with a live wire. Her tits jiggled wildly.
"Where's my daughter?" she asked frantically.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, she got a ride somewhere with my well-hung colleague," smirked Carmen.
Without glancing back at the cum-soaked bed, Gina dashed out of Carmen's room.
Carmen admired the picture on her phone as she heard Gina go to the back deck to get her clothes, and exit through the front door. Her car engine revved as she peeled out of Carmen's driveway.
Carmen smiled to herself, set her phone on the bedside table, and looked at the pools of semen on her mattress as she removed her bikini, shaking her head and laughing to herself.
A Daughter's Revenge
They hugged as I tried to regain my composure.
"I just thought I'd stop by to see how you're doing." Gina turned to face me again as she said this, looking me up and down.
Emma looked at her mother, then to me. She rolled her eyes, and I couldn't help but smile at her.
"I'm FINE, mother. I see you've met our guest."
"Indeed I have. Carmen's lucky to have such a handsome colleague. I bet you two were working very HARD today..." the emphasis she placed on the words was pointed, and she tittered at what she perceived was clever innuendo.
"And it was just about quitting time, wasn't it?" Carmen piped up, and picked up a towel from the table, holding it out to me.
"So soon?" I whined.
Carmen fixed me with an icy stare and I got the message. Gina continued to ogle me and Emma frowned slightly as I went past. I collected my clothes and took the towel from Carmen. I leaned in close to her.
"You are a very cruel woman," I spoke softly to her.
"I thought you'd be used to it by now," she replied, but her initially severe expression melted into a sly grin, and she gently patted my bottom on my way past her into the house.
My erection was raging at this point, and if I didn't relieve the pressure I was at serious risk of getting blue balls. We went to the upstairs bathroom to get changed, when I noticed Carmen's bedroom door was open. I listened for voices outside, and when I was satisfied that the girls were chatting I snuck silently into her chambers.
Her room was large, with a walk-in closet, a queen size bed, and a gigantic mirror on the wall next to the bed. I had a devilish plan in mind. I went through a few of her dresser drawers, before finding her underwear in the topmost right one. I took out a pair of lacy black panties and walked to the side of the bed. Throwing the covers back, I pulled my waistband down, freeing my boner. I wrapped the panties around my hard shaft and began stroking my cock.
The pleasure built quickly, not only because of the teasing I'd endured, but also because of the exhilaration of doing something so bold, so wrong. Soon I felt myself getting close. I tossed the panties onto the sheets and stroked my dick furiously, cupping my balls.
I moaned deeply, biting my lip as a thick wad of jism spurted from my tip and dropped onto the bed sheets. I continued to tug and another jet sprayed directly onto her panties. Three more shots splayed themselves across Carmen's mattress and panties. The amount of cum staining the sheets was obvious, and after one more splash my orgasm subsided.
Quickly, I fetched my phone and snapped a point-of-view shot of me holding my cock over Carmen's soaked panties. I wiped my dick on her bed sheets, then replaced the covers as best I could, fleeing to the bathroom to get changed. After returning downstairs, I stepped outside once more.
"Alright ladies, I'm off. Thanks for a lovely afternoon, Carmen. We must do it again, preferably with less office talk."
She moved to get up from her lounger, but Gina beat her to it.
"It was nice to meet you. I hope next time Carmen won't be so exclusive," she said as she approached me with open arms.
I stared at her nipples poking through her tank top before I returned the embrace—a very friendly one, at that. She pressed her breasts hard into my chest and pushed her pelvis into mine as she kissed my cheek. Carmen approached me next, but motioned for me to go inside. I waved to Emma.
"I'm sure I'll see you soon, Emma. It was nice to meet you, and sorry about the pool thing. Well, not THAT sorry," I admitted.
"Yeah, I'll get you back for that, you can count on it," she said, putting her hands on her hips aggressively, but betraying a smile and a blush.
At the front door, Carmen and I stopped and looked each other in the eye.
"Speaking as your friend, I had a really nice time today. I think we work well together, and it's nice to see a little bit of your... um... personal side," I said, smiling and touching her arm.
Carmen didn't seem to know how to react at first. Eventually, her dark eyes softened and the corners of her sexy mouth turned up subtly.
"I'd like to have you over again. Maybe without the work bit," her hand casually stroked her collarbone.
I leaned closer to her. She put her hand on the side of my neck and closed her eyes. Our lips were only millimeters apart.
"Wait!" a cry came from the kitchen.
Carmen and I jumped and looked around distractedly. Emma came bouncing into the foyer.
"Can I get a ride to my friend's place?" Emma asked. "My mom's staying here until Monday, so I can hang out with her tomorrow."
"Uh, yeah, sure," I replied.
Emma smiled widely then bounded off up the stairs. Carmen chuckled.
"Oh I'm sure she wants a ride from you."
"Heh, yeah... Well, I'm sure it's innocent enough—"
"Oh stop. She wants to fuck the shit out of you, just like her mother. I certainly don't blame you for doing it either." Carmen looked up the stairs.
"Those big, soft, 19-year-old tits are just... mmmmm," she hummed as she pushed her shoulders inwards, creating some lovely cleavage.
"Hey, you certainly don't need to look far to see some wonderful breasts," I motioned to her chest.
She looked back to me and tilted her head to the side.
"Well aren't you sweet," she said, an expression on her face I couldn't quite identify. Was it sarcasm, or flattery?
"I hope one day we can have some fun together. You got me really excited back there. It's just mean to tease me like that."
A wry grin was her only reply.
She kissed me quickly and softly on the lips before turning and walking to the back deck, her womanly hips swaying tantalizingly, without a single glance backwards.
* * *
"So where am I dropping you off?" I asked Emma as we drove down the road.
She had put on a thin, loose white top over her bikini, which was visible through the material. She wore very short jean shorts and sandals. Her dark hair blew with the wind from the open windows of my car.
"Your place would be fine."
"But I thought—"
"I'd rather hang out with you," she said, touching my thigh.
I did not argue.
"Alright then. But I don't have a pool," I quipped.
Emma laughed.
"Then what trick are you going to play to see my tits?"
"I'm sure I'll think of something," I said, accelerating.
As we drove, I picked up my phone and selected a photograph from the phone's memory. I wrote the text, "Sweet dreams," and sent it with the picture, smiling to myself.
* * *
Carmen strode onto the back deck, closing the screen door behind her. Gina was reclining in a sun lounger, and had removed her tank top, freeing her massive melons. The nipples were large and deep pink in colour. The heavy flesh spread over her chest, causing them to bulge at the sides of her torso, making them as pillow-like as ever. She had removed her jean shorts as well, proudly displaying her 'landing strip'.
"I love the privacy you have at this place, hun," she mused. "You must hardly ever put clothes on."
"You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?"
Carmen approached Gina, leaned over her, and kissed her on the mouth for a good 10 seconds, their tongues intertwining, Carmen's hand drifting over Gina's pubic hair and up to her bellybutton.
"Feeling frisky?" asked Gina, after their lips parted.
"I know YOU are. I saw what you were doing back there," responded Carmen, sitting on the lounger next to her friend.
"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to ogle your boy, but he is a fine specimen."
Gina tilted her sunglasses up on her forehead to look Carmen in the eyes.
"Is that his actual... I mean, that bulge looked—"
"—It's real, Gene. I hardly believe it myself, but it's all his."
Without realising she was doing it, Carmen inserted her index finger between her lips and bit gently on the nail.
"Hunny, you have to let me see it! Do you have pictures? Did you take a video? How did it FEEL?! He must have stretched your little pussy good!" Gina spoke quickly as she smiled and sat up eagerly, putting a hand over her abdomen as if feeling the cock of which she spoke poking her from the inside.
"I know what you're going to say, Gene, but I haven't fucked him. I haven't even touched that magnificent cock of his," Carmen sighed.
"Oh, not this again, Car. Sweetie, you've got to let it go. For your own sake. You don't have to fall for him. Just fuck him! Fuck his brains out and get this whole man-phobia out of your system!"
Gina sat up in her lounger and turned to face Carmen. She put her hands behind Carmen's head and moved closer. Gina's bare breasts pressed ever so slightly against Carmen's bikini-clad mounds. Both women's nipples hardened in response.
"Carmen, I love being with you. You turn me on like no one else. But I know for a fact that we both love men. We crave their bodies, their cocks... and their hearts. Don't deny yourself anymore. I think you'll find it will be easier than you imagine." Gina looked deeply into Carmen's eyes, which had just looked up from their pairs of fabulous bosoms.
She sighed heavily.
"Thanks, hun. I probably needed to hear that; especially from you," Carmen admitted.
Carmen's hands rested on Gina's thighs. She leaned in again and kissed Gina open-mouthed.
"Let's go upstairs. I need to get out of the sun for a little while, and I wouldn't half mind having my pussy eaten," said Carmen naughtily.
Gina licked her lips playfully and stood to go inside. As Carmen followed her, her mobile which was sitting on the table beeped to indicate a received text message. She picked it up and opened the message. Her mouth fell open. Carmen watched Gina climb the stairs in front of her, her little asshole peeking out from behind her full buttocks as she stepped.
"So, tell me about your little encounter with Mr. Horse Cock," said Gina.
They entered the bedroom and Carmen stood next to the bed.
"Well, I'll tell you one thing: he's a bold, naughty boy," said Carmen, slyly.
She pulled back the top cover from her bed. Beneath was a massive splattered wet patch. In the middle lay Carmen's black panties, laden with white globs. The smell of man juice filled the air.
Gina gaped. Slowly, she pointed at the sticky mess. She took a step closer and bent over it. Her finger, still extended, poked at a particularly large glob on the crotch of Carmen's panties. She turned her head towards Carmen, who had crossed her arms and wore a bemused expression.
"That's... oh my..." stammered Gina.
Carmen held out her phone so Gina could see the picture she had been sent. Gina's eyes widened even more. She stood up straight and examined the white fluid on the tip of her finger. She put it in her mouth, sucked it clean, and smacked her lips. "Wow. That man wants you bad, honey," she said emphatically.
Suddenly, Gina jumped as if shocked with a live wire. Her tits jiggled wildly.
"Where's my daughter?" she asked frantically.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, she got a ride somewhere with my well-hung colleague," smirked Carmen.
Without glancing back at the cum-soaked bed, Gina dashed out of Carmen's room.
Carmen admired the picture on her phone as she heard Gina go to the back deck to get her clothes, and exit through the front door. Her car engine revved as she peeled out of Carmen's driveway.
Carmen smiled to herself, set her phone on the bedside table, and looked at the pools of semen on her mattress as she removed her bikini, shaking her head and laughing to herself.
A Daughter's Revenge
I opened my fridge and called out over my shoulder,
"Beer? Wine? Spirits?"
I had brought Emma back to my flat from Carmen's place where she was staying for the summer. She was a 19 year old university student currently working in the city and staying at my boss Carmen's house, who was a friend of her mom, Gina. Telling Gina and Carmen that she wanted a ride to her friend's house, she had come with me when I left Carmen's, but had really wanted to come back to mine. I obviously had no problem with this idea.
"Beer's fine," Emma called back from the balcony of my flat.
I took two beers out, opening them and tossing the caps on the kitchen counter. I stepped onto my balcony and handed a cold, perspiring bottle to Emma. She took a sip, then set it down on the patio table and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Her massive bust came into clear view, the tiny pink bikini barely able to contain her plump orbs. She wiggled her way out of her jean shorts and tossed them on the table with her shirt. She walked to the balcony and looked out, giving me a fantastic view of her round bottom, the pink bikini material creeping into her ass crack.
After building up the sexual tension at Carmen's house, I sensed that we both were under no pretense as to what was going to happen.
"Nice view," she commented. I walked up behind her, putting my hands on her waist. I looked down over her shoulder into the soft, round depths of her cleavage.
"It is indeed," I said, pushing myself against her bottom.
She sighed as I rocked forwards and slid my hands over her tummy and upwards. Emma's back arched as she rubbed her ass against my crotch, making my cock harden further.
"God, your tits are amazing," I murmured into her soft neck.
'Why don't you feel them," she said, putting her hands on mine and sliding them further upwards.
As they touched the underside of her breasts, I slid them away and stepped back.
"Not yet. I want to watch you feel them," I said, and disappeared quickly inside.
When I returned, Emma was leaning with her elbows against the balcony railing facing me. Her breasts were separated and thrust outwards, pulling at the thin string between the tiny pink triangles of material covering her nipples. I felt my cock stir in my shorts as I eyed her up and down, admiring her bull bosom, narrow waist, the curve of her wide hips, and her smooth legs, humming my approval.
"What have you got there?" asked Emma, pursing her lips and tilting her chin, her eyes looking at the object in my hand.
I held up the bottle of baby oil and flipped the cap. Emma just grinned and curled her finger, beckoning me.
I approached her, holding the bottle aloft and squeezing a large quantity of oil onto her ample chest as she tilted her head back. The oil slid over the tops of her tits, forming small rivulets that cascaded over the round globes, and onto the bikini, darkening it. Her nipples became visible through the material as they became erect. Oil now began to drip down her flat stomach. I stopped squeezing the bottle and retreated to the sun lounger where I reclined.
"Rub that oil in for me, Emma. Fondle your beautiful tits," I said.
Emma looked down at her oil-soaked bosom and ran her hands up her stomach to catch the drops that had trickled down between her mounds. They continued upwards and over the bikini, covering it in oil. She began to gently massage the tops of her tits, then moved around to the sides, squeezing them together. The colossal pillowy flesh almost spilled out of her tiny bikini. My cock was growing harder by the second. As Emma rubbed her boobs, I unzipped my fly and reached into my shorts.
"Yes, get that cock out. I wanna see!" cooed Emma, pinching her nipples through her bikini top.
She bit her lip eagerly. I finally managed to pry my semi-hard cock free. Emma's eyes bulged. It flopped to the side as I released it, and Emma stopped rubbing her nipples.
"Oh my God... " she muttered, still staring at my meat as it slowly grew.
"You like it?" I asked, holding it upright.
"It's so... BIG!" she blurted.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'," I replied. "Want to touch it?"
Emma looked at me for a moment, seeming to come back to earth, then smiled brightly. She nodded vigorously.
"Get the oil," I said, unbuttoning my shorts and easing them down around my knees.
Emma leaned forward to retrieve the oil from the table. She bounced over to my recliner, her oily tits jiggling lusciously. She knelt down beside me, staring at my engorged member.
"Go ahead, Emma, put your hand around it," I encouraged her.
Emma tentatively reached out towards my cock. Her fingers gingerly made their way around its girth until her palm was against my shaft. She pointed my dick upwards, holding it around the base, and gently squeezed. She leaned forward and looked at the other side of my cock. The whites of her large, gorgeous brown eyes grew.
"My fingers can't even touch around it," she commented.
Slowly, she ran her hand up my shaft to my cock head, squeezing it. A drop of pre-cum seeped out as I grew harder. With her other hand, she dribbled some oil onto my dick head, letting it drip over her fingers. She set the bottle down and slid her hand down, trailing the oil behind, coating my length.
"Wow. Your cock is amazing," she commented breathlessly.
She put her other hand around my shaft, above her first. Nearly half my dick was still exposed.
"I've never seen a dick this big," she said, slowly moving her fists up and down, not quite reaching the head.
At that moment, her mobile phone rang. My head turned towards her bag on the table, but she ignored it, mesmerised by my oily penis. She continued her double handed stroke, when my phone rang. I ignored it as Emma had done hers. The feeling in my groin was amazing, and I stared at Emma's hands as they slowly pumped me. Then my doorbell rang. Emma's phone rang again.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked, sitting up.
"Just ignore it, baby, let me stroke you," said Emma, speeding up her rhythm and gripping my manhood more firmly.
But the doorbell rang again, and again. Emma sighed and reluctantly released my throbbing cock, then went to retrieve her phone, as I stood and pulled up my pants, getting my erection back in with difficulty. I went to my door and looked at the CCTV screen. Mashing the panel outside the lobby was Emma's mom, Gina. She had her mobile to her ear.
"What do you want?" I heard Emma say, annoyed, from the other room. I buzzed Gina in, and watched her disappear off the screen.
"No you are NOT!" Emma shouted into her phone.
She stormed into my lounge, red in the face. She looked at me angrily. I shrugged guiltily. Emma mashed a button on her phone and put it down.
"Did you let her in?" she asked angrily, pointing at the door with her oily hand.
"Yeah. Look, I'll get this over quickly, I'm sure she just wants to drop something off for you," I replied.
"No! You don't get it. She's trying to get me away from you! She wants you to herself! She's such a SLUT! She did the same thing with one of my ex-boyfriends!" Emma was frantic. She gestured wildly as she spoke, causing her oiled breasts to nearly pop out of her tiny bikini. I had trouble concentrating. After her breasts stopped jiggling, I shook my head to clear the tit-gaze hypnosis and held my hand up.
"Calm down. I'll talk to her, sort this out. You don't even have to see her; I'll deal with it."
"You don't know my mom. She'll do anything..."
There was a fierce knock at my door. I gave Emma my best reassuring look, then faced the door. I opened it to greet Gina, but she burst in without any warning, pushing me backwards in surprise. She looked at me, challengingly.
"Where is she?!" Gina demanded.
"What the fuck, mom?!" said Emma, stepping into the lounge.
"Emma, you're coming with me," said Gina sternly, putting her hands on her hips.
Emma stepped forward and defiantly said, "No."
Gina grew angry, but before she could retort, she looked at her daughter's glistening breasts.
"Is that oil? Has he been rubbing oil on your tits?"
Gina stormed over to me and grabbed my wrists, turning my hands over. But seeing my oil-free hands was not enough for Gina. As fast as a cat, she gripped the sides of my shorts and yanked them to the floor.
"Beer? Wine? Spirits?"
I had brought Emma back to my flat from Carmen's place where she was staying for the summer. She was a 19 year old university student currently working in the city and staying at my boss Carmen's house, who was a friend of her mom, Gina. Telling Gina and Carmen that she wanted a ride to her friend's house, she had come with me when I left Carmen's, but had really wanted to come back to mine. I obviously had no problem with this idea.
"Beer's fine," Emma called back from the balcony of my flat.
I took two beers out, opening them and tossing the caps on the kitchen counter. I stepped onto my balcony and handed a cold, perspiring bottle to Emma. She took a sip, then set it down on the patio table and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Her massive bust came into clear view, the tiny pink bikini barely able to contain her plump orbs. She wiggled her way out of her jean shorts and tossed them on the table with her shirt. She walked to the balcony and looked out, giving me a fantastic view of her round bottom, the pink bikini material creeping into her ass crack.
After building up the sexual tension at Carmen's house, I sensed that we both were under no pretense as to what was going to happen.
"Nice view," she commented. I walked up behind her, putting my hands on her waist. I looked down over her shoulder into the soft, round depths of her cleavage.
"It is indeed," I said, pushing myself against her bottom.
She sighed as I rocked forwards and slid my hands over her tummy and upwards. Emma's back arched as she rubbed her ass against my crotch, making my cock harden further.
"God, your tits are amazing," I murmured into her soft neck.
'Why don't you feel them," she said, putting her hands on mine and sliding them further upwards.
As they touched the underside of her breasts, I slid them away and stepped back.
"Not yet. I want to watch you feel them," I said, and disappeared quickly inside.
When I returned, Emma was leaning with her elbows against the balcony railing facing me. Her breasts were separated and thrust outwards, pulling at the thin string between the tiny pink triangles of material covering her nipples. I felt my cock stir in my shorts as I eyed her up and down, admiring her bull bosom, narrow waist, the curve of her wide hips, and her smooth legs, humming my approval.
"What have you got there?" asked Emma, pursing her lips and tilting her chin, her eyes looking at the object in my hand.
I held up the bottle of baby oil and flipped the cap. Emma just grinned and curled her finger, beckoning me.
I approached her, holding the bottle aloft and squeezing a large quantity of oil onto her ample chest as she tilted her head back. The oil slid over the tops of her tits, forming small rivulets that cascaded over the round globes, and onto the bikini, darkening it. Her nipples became visible through the material as they became erect. Oil now began to drip down her flat stomach. I stopped squeezing the bottle and retreated to the sun lounger where I reclined.
"Rub that oil in for me, Emma. Fondle your beautiful tits," I said.
Emma looked down at her oil-soaked bosom and ran her hands up her stomach to catch the drops that had trickled down between her mounds. They continued upwards and over the bikini, covering it in oil. She began to gently massage the tops of her tits, then moved around to the sides, squeezing them together. The colossal pillowy flesh almost spilled out of her tiny bikini. My cock was growing harder by the second. As Emma rubbed her boobs, I unzipped my fly and reached into my shorts.
"Yes, get that cock out. I wanna see!" cooed Emma, pinching her nipples through her bikini top.
She bit her lip eagerly. I finally managed to pry my semi-hard cock free. Emma's eyes bulged. It flopped to the side as I released it, and Emma stopped rubbing her nipples.
"Oh my God... " she muttered, still staring at my meat as it slowly grew.
"You like it?" I asked, holding it upright.
"It's so... BIG!" she blurted.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'," I replied. "Want to touch it?"
Emma looked at me for a moment, seeming to come back to earth, then smiled brightly. She nodded vigorously.
"Get the oil," I said, unbuttoning my shorts and easing them down around my knees.
Emma leaned forward to retrieve the oil from the table. She bounced over to my recliner, her oily tits jiggling lusciously. She knelt down beside me, staring at my engorged member.
"Go ahead, Emma, put your hand around it," I encouraged her.
Emma tentatively reached out towards my cock. Her fingers gingerly made their way around its girth until her palm was against my shaft. She pointed my dick upwards, holding it around the base, and gently squeezed. She leaned forward and looked at the other side of my cock. The whites of her large, gorgeous brown eyes grew.
"My fingers can't even touch around it," she commented.
Slowly, she ran her hand up my shaft to my cock head, squeezing it. A drop of pre-cum seeped out as I grew harder. With her other hand, she dribbled some oil onto my dick head, letting it drip over her fingers. She set the bottle down and slid her hand down, trailing the oil behind, coating my length.
"Wow. Your cock is amazing," she commented breathlessly.
She put her other hand around my shaft, above her first. Nearly half my dick was still exposed.
"I've never seen a dick this big," she said, slowly moving her fists up and down, not quite reaching the head.
At that moment, her mobile phone rang. My head turned towards her bag on the table, but she ignored it, mesmerised by my oily penis. She continued her double handed stroke, when my phone rang. I ignored it as Emma had done hers. The feeling in my groin was amazing, and I stared at Emma's hands as they slowly pumped me. Then my doorbell rang. Emma's phone rang again.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked, sitting up.
"Just ignore it, baby, let me stroke you," said Emma, speeding up her rhythm and gripping my manhood more firmly.
But the doorbell rang again, and again. Emma sighed and reluctantly released my throbbing cock, then went to retrieve her phone, as I stood and pulled up my pants, getting my erection back in with difficulty. I went to my door and looked at the CCTV screen. Mashing the panel outside the lobby was Emma's mom, Gina. She had her mobile to her ear.
"What do you want?" I heard Emma say, annoyed, from the other room. I buzzed Gina in, and watched her disappear off the screen.
"No you are NOT!" Emma shouted into her phone.
She stormed into my lounge, red in the face. She looked at me angrily. I shrugged guiltily. Emma mashed a button on her phone and put it down.
"Did you let her in?" she asked angrily, pointing at the door with her oily hand.
"Yeah. Look, I'll get this over quickly, I'm sure she just wants to drop something off for you," I replied.
"No! You don't get it. She's trying to get me away from you! She wants you to herself! She's such a SLUT! She did the same thing with one of my ex-boyfriends!" Emma was frantic. She gestured wildly as she spoke, causing her oiled breasts to nearly pop out of her tiny bikini. I had trouble concentrating. After her breasts stopped jiggling, I shook my head to clear the tit-gaze hypnosis and held my hand up.
"Calm down. I'll talk to her, sort this out. You don't even have to see her; I'll deal with it."
"You don't know my mom. She'll do anything..."
There was a fierce knock at my door. I gave Emma my best reassuring look, then faced the door. I opened it to greet Gina, but she burst in without any warning, pushing me backwards in surprise. She looked at me, challengingly.
"Where is she?!" Gina demanded.
"What the fuck, mom?!" said Emma, stepping into the lounge.
"Emma, you're coming with me," said Gina sternly, putting her hands on her hips.
Emma stepped forward and defiantly said, "No."
Gina grew angry, but before she could retort, she looked at her daughter's glistening breasts.
"Is that oil? Has he been rubbing oil on your tits?"
Gina stormed over to me and grabbed my wrists, turning my hands over. But seeing my oil-free hands was not enough for Gina. As fast as a cat, she gripped the sides of my shorts and yanked them to the floor.
My still semi-erect cock sprang forwards, slapping Gina in
the forehead.
She recoiled back, a shiny smear between her eyes. She was still down on her haunches, holding my cargo shorts. She stared blatantly at my cock, which was bobbing inches from her nose.
I thought for a moment that Gina was going to open her mouth and swallow me whole. Or perhaps that's just what I wished. I watched my oily cock bob above her massive bust, which was nearly falling out of her stretched tank top.
"What the fuck are you doing?!!" shouted Emma, throwing her hands out to her sides, fists clenched. "You can't just pull his pants down!"
Evidently she was unwilling to believe her own eyes.
"Wow..." Gina muttered under her breath, still staring at my meat.
"Mom!!!" Emma shouted and strode forward, pulling Gina's arm from its grip on my shorts.
This seemed to snap her out of her reverie. She stood up abruptly, leaving my shorts bunched at my ankles. Both women stood facing at each other, hands on their hips, breathing heavily, red in the face. I stood awkwardly, my semi-erection refusing to abate. In fact, seeing these busty beauties getting flustered had made my penis grow even more.
Gina made a sudden movement, and before Emma and I knew what was happening, she had her hand wrapped around my cock and was pulling it, her hand sliding on the oil. Just as suddenly, she let it slip through her fist, then thrust her greasy palm directly under Emma's nose.
"And what do you call this?!" she demanded.
Emma looked shocked and embarrassed, but recovered quickly. She pushed Gina's hand away roughly.
"It's oil, mom. I rubbed it on my tits, then I rubbed it on his cock, and I was about to give him a good tit-fucking when you stormed in!"
She was attempting to be sarcastic, but I detected a dead-seriousness in her tone. I looked down at her bulging melons and imagined my cock sandwiched between them. My erection grew again.
Gina was stunned. She realised she had no recourse. She was in my house. Her daughter was a consenting adult. She was beat. Gina poked her finger in my direction like it was a dagger.
"This same man jerked off in Carmen's bed just minutes before he left with you! He spunked all over her sheets and her panties. He's a pervert, honey! He..."
Emma's reaction caused her mother to lose steam immediately. She was giggling. She looked at me and put her hands over her mouth, covering a huge grin.
"Oh my god, are you serious?" she asked me, still giggling, ignoring Gina.
"Look... seeing you in your wet dress... and Carmen teasing me when you went inside... I thought I was going to explode," I said, embarrassed.
"I know, I saw the two of you out my bedroom window," said Emma. "I was playing with myself too."
"Excuse me!" Gina was getting worked up again. "But that does not change the fact that he soiled her bed with his perverted fantasy!"
I turned to Gina.
"Was she upset?" I asked.
"That's not the point! Emma, come with me. We're leaving."
"No, mom. You're leaving. I'm not," she responded.
Gina looked between the two of us.
"I need to talk to you... in private," she said to me, her expression still serious, but softened slightly.
"Look, I think you should go. Emma can make her own--"
"--It will just take a moment."
"I know what you're doing!" cried Emma. "You just want him for yourself! Like you did with Aaron!"
Gina did not break eye contact with me. I looked at Emma.
"Don't worry, ok? This won't take a moment." To Gina: "Go to my room, it's the second left down the hall." Gina flashed a smug, victorious grin, the stormed off as I hiked up my shorts. Emma looked crestfallen.
"I think I know what's going on here," I said. "Come here," I said softly, motioning to Emma with my hand. "I have an idea."
She recoiled back, a shiny smear between her eyes. She was still down on her haunches, holding my cargo shorts. She stared blatantly at my cock, which was bobbing inches from her nose.
I thought for a moment that Gina was going to open her mouth and swallow me whole. Or perhaps that's just what I wished. I watched my oily cock bob above her massive bust, which was nearly falling out of her stretched tank top.
"What the fuck are you doing?!!" shouted Emma, throwing her hands out to her sides, fists clenched. "You can't just pull his pants down!"
Evidently she was unwilling to believe her own eyes.
"Wow..." Gina muttered under her breath, still staring at my meat.
"Mom!!!" Emma shouted and strode forward, pulling Gina's arm from its grip on my shorts.
This seemed to snap her out of her reverie. She stood up abruptly, leaving my shorts bunched at my ankles. Both women stood facing at each other, hands on their hips, breathing heavily, red in the face. I stood awkwardly, my semi-erection refusing to abate. In fact, seeing these busty beauties getting flustered had made my penis grow even more.
Gina made a sudden movement, and before Emma and I knew what was happening, she had her hand wrapped around my cock and was pulling it, her hand sliding on the oil. Just as suddenly, she let it slip through her fist, then thrust her greasy palm directly under Emma's nose.
"And what do you call this?!" she demanded.
Emma looked shocked and embarrassed, but recovered quickly. She pushed Gina's hand away roughly.
"It's oil, mom. I rubbed it on my tits, then I rubbed it on his cock, and I was about to give him a good tit-fucking when you stormed in!"
She was attempting to be sarcastic, but I detected a dead-seriousness in her tone. I looked down at her bulging melons and imagined my cock sandwiched between them. My erection grew again.
Gina was stunned. She realised she had no recourse. She was in my house. Her daughter was a consenting adult. She was beat. Gina poked her finger in my direction like it was a dagger.
"This same man jerked off in Carmen's bed just minutes before he left with you! He spunked all over her sheets and her panties. He's a pervert, honey! He..."
Emma's reaction caused her mother to lose steam immediately. She was giggling. She looked at me and put her hands over her mouth, covering a huge grin.
"Oh my god, are you serious?" she asked me, still giggling, ignoring Gina.
"Look... seeing you in your wet dress... and Carmen teasing me when you went inside... I thought I was going to explode," I said, embarrassed.
"I know, I saw the two of you out my bedroom window," said Emma. "I was playing with myself too."
"Excuse me!" Gina was getting worked up again. "But that does not change the fact that he soiled her bed with his perverted fantasy!"
I turned to Gina.
"Was she upset?" I asked.
"That's not the point! Emma, come with me. We're leaving."
"No, mom. You're leaving. I'm not," she responded.
Gina looked between the two of us.
"I need to talk to you... in private," she said to me, her expression still serious, but softened slightly.
"Look, I think you should go. Emma can make her own--"
"--It will just take a moment."
"I know what you're doing!" cried Emma. "You just want him for yourself! Like you did with Aaron!"
Gina did not break eye contact with me. I looked at Emma.
"Don't worry, ok? This won't take a moment." To Gina: "Go to my room, it's the second left down the hall." Gina flashed a smug, victorious grin, the stormed off as I hiked up my shorts. Emma looked crestfallen.
"I think I know what's going on here," I said. "Come here," I said softly, motioning to Emma with my hand. "I have an idea."
I entered my bedroom
and shut the door. Gina was sitting cross-legged on the end of my bed, kicking
her leg impatiently.
"I think I know what's going on here," I said, standing in front of her. "You think I'm just going to take advantage of Emma. She said you stole this Aaron guy away from her, probably for the same reason you're trying to get me away from her: to protect her. Is that right?"
"That's the gist of it, yes. He was too old for her and obviously only wanted her for sex," she replied.
"So you told him you'd fuck him if he left her alone."
"And you're planning on doing the same with me, I presume?" I said, crossing my arms.
"For Emma's sake, of course," I added.
"Fuck you. I know what you want. I'll give it to you, and a lot better than she can. What more is there to discuss?"
"And I assume you get nothing out of this. No pleasure whatsoever. Fucking younger men to 'protect' your daughter. Did it ever occur to you that maybe she wants to use ME for sex? That she's not looking for a relationship, but for some fun? She just met me TODAY, for fuck's sake. And in any case, she can make her own decisions. Why take that away from her?"
Gina slowly uncrossed her legs and stood up. She walked towards me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Ok, you want me to be honest? Yes, I love to fuck younger guys. And yes, it gets me off to think that they want me more than Emma. But I'm also protective of her. I'm scared for her. She'll get a proper man in time; one I won't interfere with. So I'll make this simple: tell her I've threatened you; legally, blackmail, whatever. She'll take it hard, but at least it won't seem like you don't want her. She'll be mad at me, but she's gotten over it before. Then you can come back, and I'll do anything you want. I'll give you the best fuck you've ever had."
As she spoke, she slid her hands down my chest and over the bulge in my shorts. She pressed her breasts together between her arms. I could see the large areolas through her tank top. I smiled.
"Stay here. I'll be back in a minute," I said.
Gina watched the door shut. She heard some quiet words, then loud speech, and finally shouting. The argument ended quickly.
"Fuck you mom! I hate you!" she heard her daughter scream, just before a door slammed.
Gina smiled devilishly and ran her hands up her thighs. She was already getting wet.
I re-entered my bedroom to find Gina again sitting at the end of my bed.
"Wow, is she ever pissed," I said.
"She'll get over it," said Gina dismissively. "Now get over here and let me see that fabulous cock again."
I walked past her and to a drawer in my bedside table. Opening it and retrieving an object, I said,
"First, sit up here." I patted the pillows next to the headboard.
Gina obliged, scooting backwards. I showed her the object: a pair of handcuffs.
"Ooh, you naughty boy," she hummed.
I drew her arms behind her back and locked her wrists to a headboard support behind her ass.
"What now, hun?" Gina said.
I stepped back and grinned. I walked to my bedroom door and opened it.
"Wh- where are you going?" asked Gina somewhat nervously.
I looked down the hall and made a gesture with my head. To Gina's utter shock, in walked her daughter, Emma.
"What is going on here?!" Gina spoke loudly, struggling against the handcuffs.
Emma approached the bed.
"I'm going to show you what it feels like to have something taken away from you, for once," she said softly.
"Now," she sighed, "Where were we?" she asked me.
Gina was in a seated position, her back to my headboard, her legs extending forward. Her breasts jutted outwards due to her hands being cuffed behind her. She kicked her legs ferociously.
"Stop it! Let me go! You can't do this!" Gina cried.
I put my hand on her knee firmly.
"Please settle down, Gina," I said as I leaned close to her face. "If you behave you could get quite a show out of this." I winked.
Gina continued to struggle.
"I'll call the police!" she shouted.
"Ok Gina, if you're going to be like that, I'll let you go. I'll happily free you and ask you to leave my private property while your daughter stays behind to indulge in her sexual pleasures. Is that what you want? You can leave and wonder about all the nasty things we're doing to each other, or you can watch the show. Hell, you can even give us some tips!" I said.
Gina glared at me, but remained silent and motionless.
"So, do you want to stay and watch, or do you want to leave?" I asked.
"Stay," Gina muttered.
"I want to stay!" she barked.
"Good," I said and patted her cheek.
Emma was busy undoing my shorts. Giving up the effort, she imitated her mother and yanked them down to the floor. I stepped out of them and turned so Gina had a side view of Emma and me.
Emma stood and embraced me, putting one hand behind my head and the other against my shaft, pressing her palm against it, her fingertips brushing my scrotum. I felt it once again spring to life and become engorged. We kissed passionately, our tongues lashing each other, exploring our mouths, while Emma's fingers tightened around my swelling member.
"Oh god, I can feel it growing," she said.
I reached back and cupped her round ass cheeks in my hands, squeezing them tightly. Emma responded by pumping my shaft slowly. She leaned back to examine my increasing erection. She let my cock fall onto her palm as she opened her fingers, as if offering it to Gina as a gift.
"Holy shit. I just can't get over how massive you are," Emma said excitedly.
Gina was leaning towards the edge of the bed to get a better look. I was almost fully erect now, the head of my cock reaching halfway to Emma's elbow.
"Seriously, have you ever seen one this big?" she addressed her mother.
"No, honey. That is one massive cock," she said, as if mesmerised.
The mother and daughter continued to stare at my exposed member. I cleared my throat. Gina looked at me, then at her daughter.
"Well don't just stand there holding it like a garden hose. Stroke it. Jerk him off!" Gina spouted enthusiastically.
Emma switched her grip and pointed my dick upwards, curling her fist around my shaft. The oil still coating it helped her hand slide up to my glans where she squeezed. I moaned softly as she began a slow rhythm of strokes up and down my length. Her other hand found my ass cheek and caressed it gently. I reached my hand up and cupped her warm left breast. The nipple was hard underneath her bikini top. With my right hand I reached behind her and pulled at the strings there. The material came loose, but it still hung around her neck, covering her nipples. I had noticed, however, that the undersides of her tits had been freed, bulging under the loose triangles of cloth.
I made to move it with my left hand, but Emma stopped me.
"Not yet," she said.
She kissed me, then knelt down in front of me. Giving Gina a saucy glance, she placed her hands under her enormous mounds and lifted them, with the material, over the tip of my cock. Her chin pushed into her bulbous flesh, as she lowered her love pillows onto my dick head. The oil facilitated its entry between her voluptuous mammaries, and soon my cock head emerged, slick and shiny with oil and pre-cum, between her cleavage.
She squeezed her tits together, still keeping the bikini covering her nipples. She began to lift them, then drop them onto my slick pole. Soon, she had a smooth rhythm going, and I thrust my cock into her bosom with zeal.
"Ooooh god that feels good. Your tits are so soft," I murmured.
"And they almost cover your whole dick, too," Emma replied, pleased with herself.
"Well obviously she gets them from her mother," said Gina, feeling left out.
I looked over to admire Gina's impressive rack, covered though it was. Emma's efforts increased, and I gasped. The undersides of her breasts were slapping audibly against my abdomen.
"Honey, you're going too fast. You don't want him to cum too quickly," Gina observed.
Emma slowed her pace, then released my throbbing member from her chesty embrace. She stood and faced the bed.
"I'll do whatever I feel like, mom. I'm not the one handcuffed to the bed." She faced me. "Why don't you teach my mom a lesson? Get up there and smack her with your cock. Slap her face with your huge dick."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I was happy to oblige. I clambered onto the bed and straddled Gina. She stared up at me wide-eyed.
"You aren't actually going to--"
Smack! Gripping her brown curly tangles of hair in one hand and the base of my cock in the other, I swung it like a bat, making contact with Gina's cheek. I then swung it the other way, slapping her other cheek. Next, I rapidly slapped the underside of my shaft on her forehead in a staccato rhythm.
Emma was laughing, her chest jiggling joyously as she watched me tea bag her mother, my scrotum coming to rest on the bridge of her nose. One of my balls rolled onto her left eye. I could feel her long eyelash tickling it.
"Aaaugh! Stop it. Get your balls off my face or I'll bite them off!" shouted Gina angrily.
"I don't know, Gina. I think you like it," I said, now roughly rubbing my cock all over her face.
She scrunched up her face as my hard shaft pushed against her cheek, her nose, her chin, her eyes, her lips, her forehead, even her hair. I held her chin in my hand and pinched her cheeks together, forcing her to purse her lips. My swollen helmet bounced off her soft lips, giving me jolts of pleasure. During one particularly hard swing, I felt my knob stick as it struck her mouth. She had parted her lips and was sucking my dick head into her mouth, teasing my glans with her tongue in the process. Emma reached up from behind me and grabbed my cock, smacking Gina forcefully across the cheek and mouth.
"No way!" she said scoldingly. "I'm going to suck his cock first. And I'm going to do it, like, right in your face." She pointed at Gina. "Kneel on that side of her, I'll be on this side," she said, taking her place at Gina's right side.
I knelt on a few pillows to bring my cock to Gina's face-height. She leaned forward to try to lick my shaft, but I grabbed her by the hair and held her head back. Emma, her bikini still dangling in front of her sizable chest, leaned forward and held the tip of my dick up, while she licked from my balls to my glans with relish.
Next, she popped one of my nuts into her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue, making sure her mom had an unobstructed view.
"Oooo, yeah sweetie, suck those balls," cooed Gina.
Emma kissed her way up my long pillar and positioned her mouth over the tip. She let a gob of spit drip from her lips onto my cock head, which then spilled down my shaft and sack, then dripped down onto Gina's heaving chest. She seemed unconcerned. Indeed she seemed more fixated on encouraging her daughter's efforts.
"That's right, get it nice and wet. Rub the spit in."
Emma obeyed, using both hands to massage my rod, covering it in her saliva.
"Please let me see your tits, baby. I can't wait anymore!" I pleaded.
Placing my cock on her upthrust breasts, Emma pulled the strings behind her neck. Using her arm to cover her breasts underneath the bikini, she pulled the top free and tossed it to the floor. Using my cock as a pointer, she ran the tip across her bulging cleavage, then down to her fingertips, pushing them aside and rubbing my helmet on her nipple. It was soft and pink; slightly darker than the skin around it. Her nipple was hard as a rock. She trailed my dick across to her other tit, moving her arm below her bust and pushing them up, teasing her other nipple with my dick head.
"Do you like them?" she asked, knowing the answer.
Wordlessly, I reached down and fondled her heavy chest pillows. As I massaged her melons, she brought my cock to her mouth and ran circles around the head with the tip of her tongue. Her lips soon engulfed the tip as she took my head into her warm, wet mouth. I felt her tongue squirm as I filled her cheeks. Her teeth grated on my sensitive flesh and I winced.
"For god's sake, don't bite it!" said Gina, noticing my momentary pain.
Emma popped my cock head out of her mouth, covered in spit.
"I'm trying not to. It's just too fucking big!" she said in an exasperated tone.
"Oh, sweetie, please give mommy a taste. Let me take that monster cock in my throat. I'll show you how it's done," begged Gina.
Emma eyed her as if she had issued a challenge and made another attempt at gobbling my knob. Her soft lips encased it again, and she opened her jaw to avoid any contact with her teeth. She began to suck me, her hand holding me at the base, her other hand supporting herself on my thigh. I sighed and tilted my head back as I finally received what I had been waiting for. Emma attempted to take more of my length into her mouth, but only managed a couple of inches before I felt her throat convulse.
"Oh fuck Emma, that feels good. You don't have to take more in if you don't want. Just suck the tip."
She bobbed her head a few times, her big, dark brown eyes looking deeply into mine, then withdrew. Emma's saliva spilled from her lips and over my knob down onto Gina's chest. She moaned softly as it seeped into her cleavage, staring longingly at my throbbing, spit-soaked member.
"I think your mom's enjoying this," I said. "Personally, I'd like to check how much she's enjoying it."
I looked at Emma for approval. I didn't want to push my luck. She smiled and nodded subtly.
I reached down and unbuttoned Gina's jean shorts, then unzipped the fly. She had light blue panties on underneath. Emma helped me slide them over Gina's ass as she tilted her hips upwards, assisting us with our effort of stripping her. Her shorts removed, I ran my fingers over her smooth abdomen downwards, feeling the small patch of pubic hair, then her puffy cunt lips. A small wet spot was visible on the blue fabric against her snatch.
"Oh my, you ARE excited," I commented, as I pushed a finger gently against the wet spot.
Gina closed her eyes and arched her back as much as possible in her sitting position, attempting to push my finger harder against her womanhood. I denied her the pleasure, and instead focused on her top.
"Look how much of a little slut your mom is. No bra. You can even see her nipples through this top," I gestured at her tits. "You might as well not even wear one," I said as I pulled the small straps off her shoulders.
Using my erect penis, I pulled the front of her top down, trailing spit and pre-cum over her boobs, until they popped free with a small bounce, the material of her top tucking under the huge mounds. They were very similar to Emma's: huge, voluptuous, hanging ever so slightly, with large pink areolas and small hard nipples.
"Yes, I can definitely see the family resemblance." I flicked the end of my dick against her nipples; first one, then the other. Gina pushed her chest out, breathing heavily.
"Oh god, just fuck my tits, fuck my mouth, fuck anything you want, just give me that cock!!!" cried Gina.
Emma leaned close to her mother.
"Now you know how I feel, mom. You took that sexual satisfaction from me in the most humiliating way: by fucking my man. Now I'm going to torture and humiliate you!" hissed Emma.
I smacked my cock on Gina's left tit, leaving a red mark just above her nipple.
"I'm sorry, honey. I'm so sorry. I was just trying to protect you! But now I know you crave cock just like your mother. I won't interfere anymore. I promise." Gina seemed genuinely apologetic.
Emma sighed.
"I know, mom. I know. But right now, I need to make you watch this. Then we're even," she said.
"Ok ladies, I'm glad you're making up, but I need to get my dick wet, one way or another. I need your pussy, Emma. I need to fuck you now." Emma smiled and Gina looked at me enviously.
"I think I know what's going on here," I said, standing in front of her. "You think I'm just going to take advantage of Emma. She said you stole this Aaron guy away from her, probably for the same reason you're trying to get me away from her: to protect her. Is that right?"
"That's the gist of it, yes. He was too old for her and obviously only wanted her for sex," she replied.
"So you told him you'd fuck him if he left her alone."
"And you're planning on doing the same with me, I presume?" I said, crossing my arms.
"For Emma's sake, of course," I added.
"Fuck you. I know what you want. I'll give it to you, and a lot better than she can. What more is there to discuss?"
"And I assume you get nothing out of this. No pleasure whatsoever. Fucking younger men to 'protect' your daughter. Did it ever occur to you that maybe she wants to use ME for sex? That she's not looking for a relationship, but for some fun? She just met me TODAY, for fuck's sake. And in any case, she can make her own decisions. Why take that away from her?"
Gina slowly uncrossed her legs and stood up. She walked towards me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Ok, you want me to be honest? Yes, I love to fuck younger guys. And yes, it gets me off to think that they want me more than Emma. But I'm also protective of her. I'm scared for her. She'll get a proper man in time; one I won't interfere with. So I'll make this simple: tell her I've threatened you; legally, blackmail, whatever. She'll take it hard, but at least it won't seem like you don't want her. She'll be mad at me, but she's gotten over it before. Then you can come back, and I'll do anything you want. I'll give you the best fuck you've ever had."
As she spoke, she slid her hands down my chest and over the bulge in my shorts. She pressed her breasts together between her arms. I could see the large areolas through her tank top. I smiled.
"Stay here. I'll be back in a minute," I said.
Gina watched the door shut. She heard some quiet words, then loud speech, and finally shouting. The argument ended quickly.
"Fuck you mom! I hate you!" she heard her daughter scream, just before a door slammed.
Gina smiled devilishly and ran her hands up her thighs. She was already getting wet.
I re-entered my bedroom to find Gina again sitting at the end of my bed.
"Wow, is she ever pissed," I said.
"She'll get over it," said Gina dismissively. "Now get over here and let me see that fabulous cock again."
I walked past her and to a drawer in my bedside table. Opening it and retrieving an object, I said,
"First, sit up here." I patted the pillows next to the headboard.
Gina obliged, scooting backwards. I showed her the object: a pair of handcuffs.
"Ooh, you naughty boy," she hummed.
I drew her arms behind her back and locked her wrists to a headboard support behind her ass.
"What now, hun?" Gina said.
I stepped back and grinned. I walked to my bedroom door and opened it.
"Wh- where are you going?" asked Gina somewhat nervously.
I looked down the hall and made a gesture with my head. To Gina's utter shock, in walked her daughter, Emma.
"What is going on here?!" Gina spoke loudly, struggling against the handcuffs.
Emma approached the bed.
"I'm going to show you what it feels like to have something taken away from you, for once," she said softly.
"Now," she sighed, "Where were we?" she asked me.
Gina was in a seated position, her back to my headboard, her legs extending forward. Her breasts jutted outwards due to her hands being cuffed behind her. She kicked her legs ferociously.
"Stop it! Let me go! You can't do this!" Gina cried.
I put my hand on her knee firmly.
"Please settle down, Gina," I said as I leaned close to her face. "If you behave you could get quite a show out of this." I winked.
Gina continued to struggle.
"I'll call the police!" she shouted.
"Ok Gina, if you're going to be like that, I'll let you go. I'll happily free you and ask you to leave my private property while your daughter stays behind to indulge in her sexual pleasures. Is that what you want? You can leave and wonder about all the nasty things we're doing to each other, or you can watch the show. Hell, you can even give us some tips!" I said.
Gina glared at me, but remained silent and motionless.
"So, do you want to stay and watch, or do you want to leave?" I asked.
"Stay," Gina muttered.
"I want to stay!" she barked.
"Good," I said and patted her cheek.
Emma was busy undoing my shorts. Giving up the effort, she imitated her mother and yanked them down to the floor. I stepped out of them and turned so Gina had a side view of Emma and me.
Emma stood and embraced me, putting one hand behind my head and the other against my shaft, pressing her palm against it, her fingertips brushing my scrotum. I felt it once again spring to life and become engorged. We kissed passionately, our tongues lashing each other, exploring our mouths, while Emma's fingers tightened around my swelling member.
"Oh god, I can feel it growing," she said.
I reached back and cupped her round ass cheeks in my hands, squeezing them tightly. Emma responded by pumping my shaft slowly. She leaned back to examine my increasing erection. She let my cock fall onto her palm as she opened her fingers, as if offering it to Gina as a gift.
"Holy shit. I just can't get over how massive you are," Emma said excitedly.
Gina was leaning towards the edge of the bed to get a better look. I was almost fully erect now, the head of my cock reaching halfway to Emma's elbow.
"Seriously, have you ever seen one this big?" she addressed her mother.
"No, honey. That is one massive cock," she said, as if mesmerised.
The mother and daughter continued to stare at my exposed member. I cleared my throat. Gina looked at me, then at her daughter.
"Well don't just stand there holding it like a garden hose. Stroke it. Jerk him off!" Gina spouted enthusiastically.
Emma switched her grip and pointed my dick upwards, curling her fist around my shaft. The oil still coating it helped her hand slide up to my glans where she squeezed. I moaned softly as she began a slow rhythm of strokes up and down my length. Her other hand found my ass cheek and caressed it gently. I reached my hand up and cupped her warm left breast. The nipple was hard underneath her bikini top. With my right hand I reached behind her and pulled at the strings there. The material came loose, but it still hung around her neck, covering her nipples. I had noticed, however, that the undersides of her tits had been freed, bulging under the loose triangles of cloth.
I made to move it with my left hand, but Emma stopped me.
"Not yet," she said.
She kissed me, then knelt down in front of me. Giving Gina a saucy glance, she placed her hands under her enormous mounds and lifted them, with the material, over the tip of my cock. Her chin pushed into her bulbous flesh, as she lowered her love pillows onto my dick head. The oil facilitated its entry between her voluptuous mammaries, and soon my cock head emerged, slick and shiny with oil and pre-cum, between her cleavage.
She squeezed her tits together, still keeping the bikini covering her nipples. She began to lift them, then drop them onto my slick pole. Soon, she had a smooth rhythm going, and I thrust my cock into her bosom with zeal.
"Ooooh god that feels good. Your tits are so soft," I murmured.
"And they almost cover your whole dick, too," Emma replied, pleased with herself.
"Well obviously she gets them from her mother," said Gina, feeling left out.
I looked over to admire Gina's impressive rack, covered though it was. Emma's efforts increased, and I gasped. The undersides of her breasts were slapping audibly against my abdomen.
"Honey, you're going too fast. You don't want him to cum too quickly," Gina observed.
Emma slowed her pace, then released my throbbing member from her chesty embrace. She stood and faced the bed.
"I'll do whatever I feel like, mom. I'm not the one handcuffed to the bed." She faced me. "Why don't you teach my mom a lesson? Get up there and smack her with your cock. Slap her face with your huge dick."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I was happy to oblige. I clambered onto the bed and straddled Gina. She stared up at me wide-eyed.
"You aren't actually going to--"
Smack! Gripping her brown curly tangles of hair in one hand and the base of my cock in the other, I swung it like a bat, making contact with Gina's cheek. I then swung it the other way, slapping her other cheek. Next, I rapidly slapped the underside of my shaft on her forehead in a staccato rhythm.
Emma was laughing, her chest jiggling joyously as she watched me tea bag her mother, my scrotum coming to rest on the bridge of her nose. One of my balls rolled onto her left eye. I could feel her long eyelash tickling it.
"Aaaugh! Stop it. Get your balls off my face or I'll bite them off!" shouted Gina angrily.
"I don't know, Gina. I think you like it," I said, now roughly rubbing my cock all over her face.
She scrunched up her face as my hard shaft pushed against her cheek, her nose, her chin, her eyes, her lips, her forehead, even her hair. I held her chin in my hand and pinched her cheeks together, forcing her to purse her lips. My swollen helmet bounced off her soft lips, giving me jolts of pleasure. During one particularly hard swing, I felt my knob stick as it struck her mouth. She had parted her lips and was sucking my dick head into her mouth, teasing my glans with her tongue in the process. Emma reached up from behind me and grabbed my cock, smacking Gina forcefully across the cheek and mouth.
"No way!" she said scoldingly. "I'm going to suck his cock first. And I'm going to do it, like, right in your face." She pointed at Gina. "Kneel on that side of her, I'll be on this side," she said, taking her place at Gina's right side.
I knelt on a few pillows to bring my cock to Gina's face-height. She leaned forward to try to lick my shaft, but I grabbed her by the hair and held her head back. Emma, her bikini still dangling in front of her sizable chest, leaned forward and held the tip of my dick up, while she licked from my balls to my glans with relish.
Next, she popped one of my nuts into her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue, making sure her mom had an unobstructed view.
"Oooo, yeah sweetie, suck those balls," cooed Gina.
Emma kissed her way up my long pillar and positioned her mouth over the tip. She let a gob of spit drip from her lips onto my cock head, which then spilled down my shaft and sack, then dripped down onto Gina's heaving chest. She seemed unconcerned. Indeed she seemed more fixated on encouraging her daughter's efforts.
"That's right, get it nice and wet. Rub the spit in."
Emma obeyed, using both hands to massage my rod, covering it in her saliva.
"Please let me see your tits, baby. I can't wait anymore!" I pleaded.
Placing my cock on her upthrust breasts, Emma pulled the strings behind her neck. Using her arm to cover her breasts underneath the bikini, she pulled the top free and tossed it to the floor. Using my cock as a pointer, she ran the tip across her bulging cleavage, then down to her fingertips, pushing them aside and rubbing my helmet on her nipple. It was soft and pink; slightly darker than the skin around it. Her nipple was hard as a rock. She trailed my dick across to her other tit, moving her arm below her bust and pushing them up, teasing her other nipple with my dick head.
"Do you like them?" she asked, knowing the answer.
Wordlessly, I reached down and fondled her heavy chest pillows. As I massaged her melons, she brought my cock to her mouth and ran circles around the head with the tip of her tongue. Her lips soon engulfed the tip as she took my head into her warm, wet mouth. I felt her tongue squirm as I filled her cheeks. Her teeth grated on my sensitive flesh and I winced.
"For god's sake, don't bite it!" said Gina, noticing my momentary pain.
Emma popped my cock head out of her mouth, covered in spit.
"I'm trying not to. It's just too fucking big!" she said in an exasperated tone.
"Oh, sweetie, please give mommy a taste. Let me take that monster cock in my throat. I'll show you how it's done," begged Gina.
Emma eyed her as if she had issued a challenge and made another attempt at gobbling my knob. Her soft lips encased it again, and she opened her jaw to avoid any contact with her teeth. She began to suck me, her hand holding me at the base, her other hand supporting herself on my thigh. I sighed and tilted my head back as I finally received what I had been waiting for. Emma attempted to take more of my length into her mouth, but only managed a couple of inches before I felt her throat convulse.
"Oh fuck Emma, that feels good. You don't have to take more in if you don't want. Just suck the tip."
She bobbed her head a few times, her big, dark brown eyes looking deeply into mine, then withdrew. Emma's saliva spilled from her lips and over my knob down onto Gina's chest. She moaned softly as it seeped into her cleavage, staring longingly at my throbbing, spit-soaked member.
"I think your mom's enjoying this," I said. "Personally, I'd like to check how much she's enjoying it."
I looked at Emma for approval. I didn't want to push my luck. She smiled and nodded subtly.
I reached down and unbuttoned Gina's jean shorts, then unzipped the fly. She had light blue panties on underneath. Emma helped me slide them over Gina's ass as she tilted her hips upwards, assisting us with our effort of stripping her. Her shorts removed, I ran my fingers over her smooth abdomen downwards, feeling the small patch of pubic hair, then her puffy cunt lips. A small wet spot was visible on the blue fabric against her snatch.
"Oh my, you ARE excited," I commented, as I pushed a finger gently against the wet spot.
Gina closed her eyes and arched her back as much as possible in her sitting position, attempting to push my finger harder against her womanhood. I denied her the pleasure, and instead focused on her top.
"Look how much of a little slut your mom is. No bra. You can even see her nipples through this top," I gestured at her tits. "You might as well not even wear one," I said as I pulled the small straps off her shoulders.
Using my erect penis, I pulled the front of her top down, trailing spit and pre-cum over her boobs, until they popped free with a small bounce, the material of her top tucking under the huge mounds. They were very similar to Emma's: huge, voluptuous, hanging ever so slightly, with large pink areolas and small hard nipples.
"Yes, I can definitely see the family resemblance." I flicked the end of my dick against her nipples; first one, then the other. Gina pushed her chest out, breathing heavily.
"Oh god, just fuck my tits, fuck my mouth, fuck anything you want, just give me that cock!!!" cried Gina.
Emma leaned close to her mother.
"Now you know how I feel, mom. You took that sexual satisfaction from me in the most humiliating way: by fucking my man. Now I'm going to torture and humiliate you!" hissed Emma.
I smacked my cock on Gina's left tit, leaving a red mark just above her nipple.
"I'm sorry, honey. I'm so sorry. I was just trying to protect you! But now I know you crave cock just like your mother. I won't interfere anymore. I promise." Gina seemed genuinely apologetic.
Emma sighed.
"I know, mom. I know. But right now, I need to make you watch this. Then we're even," she said.
"Ok ladies, I'm glad you're making up, but I need to get my dick wet, one way or another. I need your pussy, Emma. I need to fuck you now." Emma smiled and Gina looked at me enviously.
Deciding to progress things, I retrieved the key to the
handcuffs from my drawer and released one of Gina's hands.
"Don't get too excited," I said as I pushed her shoulders down until she was lying flat on her back with her hands above her head. I bound her wrist again against the headboard support. Next, I pulled Gina's top up over her head to where her hands were locked, then in my enthusiasm, ripped her soft blue panties from her body. The thin material tore easily, and Gina cried out.
"Emma, get on top of Gina, on all fours," I commanded. She began to move, but I stopped her.
"No no, with your head facing her feet,"
"Ew! I'm not going to 69 my mom!" she stated firmly.
"I know, just do it, ok? I just want her to have the best view of me fucking your pussy from behind," I assured her.
She understood, and giggled.
"Ok, but don't rip my bikini bottoms. They're expensive."
She approached me and I hooked my thumbs into her bikini. I slowly pulled it down, admiring the way the material crept out between her ass cheeks, exposing a full, round bottom. As her bikini bottoms fell to the floor, I remained crouched and admired her neatly trimmed pussy. I ran my fingers up her thighs and probed her soft cunt lips, feeling the moistness even before I pushed my index finger inside her delicate folds.
Emma sighed as I breathed on her clit and inserted another finger. She put her leg up on the bed so Gina could watch. My tongue probed her clit as I stroked my fingers in and out of her tight pussy. She began to moan and Gina squirmed on the bed. I sucked her clit into my mouth and tickled her g-spot with my fingertips. Her legs began to shake and her hands flew down to my head, gripping my hair.
"Oooooh yeah! Suck that clit," she moaned.
Before she could get off, I stood and sucked her wetness off my fingers.
"Let's give Gina a close-up show," I said.
Emma climbed onto the bed and arched her back, offering her full ass and dripping snatch up to my strained erection. The veins stood out on my shaft and I knew I would not last long in Emma's teenage pussy.
Kneeling astride Gina's outstretched arms, I rubbed my dick head roughly against Emma's soaking mound, coating it in her pussy juice. I pressed it against her cunt, parting her labia and kneading the soft pink at her opening. I met instant resistance.
"Ah, shit. I-- I don't know if I can take it," Emma said.
"Just relax, sweetheart," reassured Gina. "If you want I can lube him up a bit with my mouth," she offered.
"Um..." Emma thought about it, looking over her shoulder. "Ok, but don't make him cum. Just get his cock nice and wet."
I pulled back and lowered myself to Gina's face. She had tilted her head far back, exposing her throat.
"Just ease it down my throat, not too fast. Don't pull back until your balls are on my upper lip. I'm good at this," said Gina.
I wordlessly obeyed, placing my cock head into her mouth, then sliding it forward as if into a sheath. Her throat was tight, and I could see my cock's progress in her throat as I forced my way into her mouth, but she did not gag. I pushed my entire length into her mouth until her tongue stuck out and my balls were covering her nose. I held it there for a few moments, feeling like I was going to lose control. Emma had sat up and was turned to watch.
"Geez, mom. You dirty deep-throating slut!" Emma commented.
I pulled out about an inch, then thrust gently for a few strokes while I squeezed her mammoth tits, rolling the hard nipples between my fingers. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of Gina's convulsing throat.
"Pull out now! Don't you dare cum in her throat!" cried Emma.
I pulled out, my cock now smothered in thick saliva. Gina gasped beneath me as I reached up to slip a finger into Emma's slit, making sure she was still secreting her sex nectar.
"I'm impressed, Gina. You took it all and didn't even gag," I said.
"I've had practice," she replied, winking. "I think you can take it now, honey," she said to her daughter.
My cock was soaked, and dripped onto Gina's chin as I once again parted Emma's lips with my manhood. Rubbing the wet shaft up and down her soft pussy, I held the base and pushed forwards. Emma grasped my bedsheets in her hands as I felt her pussy tighten.
"Emma, sweetheart, you have to relax," said Gina soothingly. "Arch your back, lower your head."
Emma let her hair fall forward as she placed her head on the outside of Gina's leg. She looked under her arm at me. I saw her enormous breast obscuring most of her face, but her large dark eyes told me she was ready.
I pushed gently at first, then, feeling her pussy muscles loosen, gave a strong thrust. My cock head penetrated her moist tightness in one slippery motion, and I heard her gasp. Her pussy clenched my knob and I had to bite my lip to keep from blowing my wad.
"Goddamn, Emma!" I blurted.
I placed my hands on her ass cheeks and squeezed. I pushed again. A hiss escaped Emma's lips, and I saw her squeezing her eyes shut.
"Just--just leave it there for a sec. Let it stretch me. Oh god. How much is in me?" Emma said.
"You've barely taken his head," said Gina. "Why don't you rub her clit a little. It will take her mind off the fat cock that's splitting her," she addressed me.
I reached underneath Emma and traced my fingers to the top of her pussy. Her lips were spread wide from my girth and I easily found her erect clitoris. I rubbed it with my middle finger. Emma hummed her approval, and I took the opportunity to force another inch into her soft depths.
"Oh that looks wonderful! Take him, honey. Take his thick cock!" cooed Gina, clearly enjoying watching her daughter's pussy slowly devour my member.
I rubbed her clit faster as I pushed again. This time Emma pushed her hips backwards and I slid in several more inches.
"Aaaaaah! Ooooh fuck!" she cried. "S--stop there for a sec," she begged.
She had lifted herself up, straightening her arms and was looking underneath herself. Her pendulous breasts undoubtedly blocked her view.
"How far in are you?" she asked me.
"You've got most of him inside you, darling," her mother replied for me. "It's beautiful. You're taking him so well, honey. Your little pussy is really stretched, but you're taking him!" Gina was clearly becoming aroused.
She squirmed underneath us.
"God mom, you're leaking all over the place," Emma observed, peering down between her mother's legs. I reached up to Emma's chest and fondled both her heavy tits, feeling the hard nipples against my palms and watching the flesh bulge out on the sides. I kissed her back as I felt her up. She responded by pushing back against my cock, which was being squeezed mercilessly by her vaginal walls.
"Shit Emma, I'm going to cum..." I muttered.
"Pull out now! Don't you dare cum inside my little girl!" cried Gina.
To prevent losing control, I sat up and pushed Emma's ass cheeks, watching my shiny length emerge from her cunt, pulling the flesh around her opening back with my cock skin. Just in the nick of time, my head emerged, flushed and pulsing. I breathed deeply.
"That was close. You are so tight Emma, your pussy feels so amazing," I said.
"Let me see it," said Emma, sitting upright and spinning around.
I displayed my glistening length and pointed at the base.
"I made it to about here."
"Of my fucking god, I thought for sure you were all the way in!" Emma said incredulously.
"Your little cunt is definitely looser now. But it needs that dick. Get it back in there!" Gina added.
"Ok. I think I'm ready for you now," said Emma, bending over and offering her round ass and dripping pussy.
"Fuck my tight hole."
Before resuming my position, I pointed my dick down towards Gina's face, looking her in the eye invitingly. She smiled and nodded subtly, as I dipped my cock into her open mouth. She suckled the head quietly and eagerly, before pushing it out between her lips, giving me unspoken permission to penetrate her daughter's teenage depths once again. I guided my cock forwards and plunged in, more forcefully this time, so I wouldn't drag out the pain Emma might feel. She squeaked, but began a long drawn-out moan as I eased into her, up to where I had penetrated previously.
"Uuuuhhhhhhnnnnnnn," her throaty voice was a turn-on.
I was nearly fully in when she yelped.
"Aaaai! Ok baby, that's far enough. You're hitting something," she said quickly.
"God, what massive cock you have. Now I want you to fuck my daughter with it," Gina said.
I pulled out, and started pumping several inches into her in a slow, steady rhythm. I didn't want to go too deep. Emma began to enjoy herself.
"Uh, uh, uh, ah, ah, yeah, that's... oh that's good. Oh that's fucking good. Stroke it in me," she said in a high pitched moan.
I could feel her pussy contract and relax around my shaft as she got used to the rhythm. She hadn't moved her body yet, afraid she might force me too deep. To encourage her, I again leaned over her curved back and grabbed a handful of titty with my left hand. With my right, I scooped Gina's right breast and squeezed it. I had stopped thrusting, so Emma got the message and pushed her sweet ass back into me, and continued the rhythm.
"That's it baby, fuck my cock while I compare you and your mom's tits," I said smiling.
Emma looked underneath her.
"Well, who's got the better rack?" asked Gina, jiggling her tit underneath my hand.
"You're both very busty women, I must say. No clear winner here... well, except for me," I replied.
After a minute, I sat upright again, and held Emma's waist. Our rhythm quickened as I dipped more of my manhood into her honey pot.
"You're so wet now, Emma. I'm just sliding in and out so easily."
"Oh yeah baby, don't stop. It feels so good," she whimpered.
"Her juices have run all over your balls. Why don't you lower them a little so I can clean them off for you," offered Gina.
"You are such a dirty slut, Gina. I love it!" I exclaimed.
I pushed Emma's thighs apart, lowering us closer to Gina's face. Her tongue was already extended in anticipation. Now Emma did the work as I remained in place, feeling Gina's eager tongue probe my nutsack then take first one ball, then the other into her mouth amid loud slurping sounds. I pulled Emma's ass towards me with each movement as I enjoyed the sensation of Gina's lips nibbling at the base of my erection behind my nuts. Emma's thrusts became more urgent as her willing pussy accepted more and more of my length.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Uhn! Uhn! Uhn! Oh fuck, oh fuck, you're making me cum! You're making my pussy cum!" shouted Emma.
Cleverly anticipating how close I was to cumming, Gina sucked one of my balls into her mouth and pressed it between her lips just hard enough to cause me mild pain, thus staving off my impending explosion of semen. I winced at the not unpleasant pain as Emma backed her pussy onto my cock forcefully, taking almost all of it. My dick head hitting some inner depth pushed Emma over the edge as she released an unbridled scream.
"AaaaaaaaaaAAAaaahhhhhhaaaahh!" She pushed her face into Gina's thigh as she cried out.
Her mother's wet pussy must have been inches from her face. Gina released my nut and I raised myself slightly so she could watch Emma's pussy spasm around my cock.
"Oh honey, you two look so beautiful. God, I would love to feel what you're feeling right now," she mused.
Emma just trembled, fistfuls of my bed sheets gripped tightly in her hands, her pussy undergoing waves of convulsions. I needed to pull out or her vaginal massage would put me over the edge. I withdrew from her depths with difficulty as her orgasm abated. She crawled forward and rolled over, collapsing next to Gina, her head at the foot of the bed, her arms clasping her bosom. Her legs and labia were parted slightly, revealing her deep pink slit, oozing girl-cum. I sat back, gently tapping my dick head on Gina's soft lips.
"Now, dear, it's only polite that you come over here and clean up the mess you made on your lover's penis," said Gina pedantically.
Emma looked up between her heaving breasts.
"How? With my mouth?" she asked innocently.
"Oh honey, of course 'with your mouth'."
"But I've never, um, tasted myself before," she said plaintively as she sat up on her knees.
"Well there's no better time. Come on, it's not that bad. It's a lot better than a mouthful of spunk!" Gina declared emphatically.
I moved so I was kneeling beside Gina's head, with Emma on the other side. She leaned over and tentatively licked my cock head. She tasted her cum, paused, then resumed licking, this time up from my balls to my glans.
"It's not bad, actually," she said.
"I told you."
"So you're not a big fan of sperm, huh?" I asked Gina, as Emma diligently cleaned my cock with her mouth.
"Not particularly," said Gina, matter-of-factly. "I'll take it in my mouth, but I spit it out. And I never let a guy cum on me, if I can help it."
Emma paused from her blowjob and licked her lips.
"How come? I've let guys cum on my tits before. I kinda liked it," she giggled.
"I just don't want it all over me. It's sticky and messy," she added.
"You know, you shouldn't be telling me this, mom," said Emma, an evil plan hatching in her head.
"Emma, if you know what's good for you, you'll point that thing away from me when he cums," Gina warned.
Emma laughed and gave my knob a hard suck, but did not reply to Gina.
"Speaking of which, you're probably aching to unload that sticky wad," Emma addressed me.
"Am I ever! Why don't you lie down on your mom. Yeah, with our head beside hers, like that."
Emma was laying on her mom, Gina's tits pressing into her daughter's back. I positioned them so that their pussies were stacked on top of one another.
I spread both pairs of legs and admired the two cunts before me, as I knelt between them. Emma propped herself up slightly and positioned her top half sideways, as Gina peered over her daughter's enormous tits.
"Hmmm, now which pussy should I fuck?" I said jokingly.
"Don't you dare stick that in my mom! She doesn't deserve it. We're trying to teach her a lesson, remember?" said Emma.
"Of course, of course," I reassured her.
I dipped my head down and admired both women's wet slits. I parted Emma's lips with my fingers and rapidly drove my tongue in and out of her soft folds. As she closed her eyes to enjoy her oral sex, I slid my fingers along Gina's soaked labia. Licking forcefully at Emma's clit to distract her, I inserted two fingers into Gina's pussy and massaged her swollen clit with my thumb.
I looked up at the mother and daughter. Emma's eyes were still shut, and her breasts sat beautifully on her chest in her semi-reclined position. She made slight twitching movements when my tongue pushed against her still-sensitive clit, which caused her melons to sway and wobble.
Her mother had craned her neck up and was watching me as I finger-fucked her pussy while eating her daughter's. Her mouth was half-open, and her eyes half closed. I could tell it was a massive effort not to moan or otherwise indicate to Emma that she was being pleasured as well. I loved watching them, breathing hard and squirming underneath my ministrations. Still looking at Gina, I withdrew my fingers and sucked them into my mouth, winking. She smiled widely then pursed her lips.
I sat upright, my cock bobbing in front of me. I wet the tip on Gina's dripping snatch, while I parted Emma's lips with my other hand.
"Yeah, put it in, fuck me again," she begged, spreading her legs wide.
I penetrated her soft, warm depths fairly easily this time, a wave of pleasure sweeping through me. I quickly started thrusting into her. Emma watched my length vanish into her velvety folds repeatedly, while Gina placed her feet on the backs of my thighs, encouraging my thrusting.
"Fuck my daughter! Fuck her hard!" she commanded.
Propping myself up on my hands, I drove into Emma faster, watching her tits bounce up and down. She was emitting high-pitched moans again, and after a few minutes I knew she was nearing orgasm.
"Ooooouuuu yeah baby, fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck my pussyyyyyy!" she cried.
I moved my hand to her snatch and furiously rubbed her clit.
"I'm cumming again! I'm cumming all over your cock!" she screamed.
Her orgasm was not as powerful as her first, but I felt it nonetheless. I continued my fervent thrusting until I lost control.
"Fuck Emma, I'm gonna cum, I can't hold it!" I said.
With cat-like quickness, Emma leaped off her mother and crouched beside me. Putting one hand around my waist, she gripped my twitching cock with the other, her face against my side, and pumped my long shaft ferociously.
"Don't you da--" Gina's voice was cut off by my explosive shot, which rocketed into her open mouth. She began spitting and spluttering as blast after blast arced over her supine body, splashing on her face, on her tits, her stomach. Emma was jerking me off with such enthusiasm that cum was flying everywhere. Even Gina's curly hair, which was splayed out around her, was covered in streaks of milky white.
"Oh my GOD," said Emma, still stroking me. "You really needed to cum!"
Spurt after spurt splashed down onto Gina's bound, exposed body, until finally my ejaculations weakened and eventually subsided. She squirmed and spat, her huge globes wiggling from side to side. My jizz ran over her breasts, making them resemble iced buns, with her nipples as the candied cherry pieces on top of each. The cum pooled on her chest and throat in thick puddles. Emma began to laugh, as she squeezed the last few drops from my dick head, watching them slide over her fingers.
"Don't try to tell me you don't like this. Him shooting his hot, sticky load on your naked body. I mean, it's like getting a facial... and a body treatment," she laughed, still stroking me.
Gina had lifted her head again to observe the mess I had made on her supple flesh. One of her eyes was closed, as it had a stripe of jizz over top of it, but the other was unobstructed. She tentatively licked drops of cum from her lips. I was shuddering from the afterglow of my cum explosion, and reached down to squeeze Emma's tit in appreciation. Gina was deeply flushed, and her breathing was rapid.
"It... it does taste pretty good," she hesitantly admitted. "Look at me... I'm... I'm soaked in your man juice. It's all over me. You've jizzed on my face... you've soaked my tits..." she exclaimed, bemused.
"I knew the slut in you would like this: a nice, cum bath," said Emma.
Gina's legs, which had previously been attempting to push me away, now opened wide, her knees bent, offering her dripping pussy to me.
"Put it in my pussy. I need to feel your fat cock in my pussy. Quick, before it goes soft!" said Gina in a breathy voice.
Emma smiled and pointed my dick at her mom's opening. I looked at her, surprised.
"You're actually going to let me fuck your mom?" I asked.
"Yes! Fuck my pussy now!" cried Gina, her toes curling.
Emma switched hands, pulled my dick towards her mom's willing pussy, using the fingers of her other hand to spread Gina's labia wide.
"You really want it bad, don't you mom? You'd love to have this big, thick cock buried inside you, wouldn't you?" Emma teased.
"Yes, honey! Put it in me before he loses his erection!" begged Gina.
"You mean, right in here?" said Emma, touching my cock head against Gina's fuck hole.
"Yes! Goddammit yes! Fuck me!" yelled Gina, her body shaking in anticipation.
Emma quickly pulled my cock up and away from her mother's cunt.
"Mmmmm, I don't think so," she said, then bent over and sucked the drops of cum off my dick while Gina watched helplessly.
"AAAagh! You little bitch!" Gina shouted.
"Don't get too excited," I said as I pushed her shoulders down until she was lying flat on her back with her hands above her head. I bound her wrist again against the headboard support. Next, I pulled Gina's top up over her head to where her hands were locked, then in my enthusiasm, ripped her soft blue panties from her body. The thin material tore easily, and Gina cried out.
"Emma, get on top of Gina, on all fours," I commanded. She began to move, but I stopped her.
"No no, with your head facing her feet,"
"Ew! I'm not going to 69 my mom!" she stated firmly.
"I know, just do it, ok? I just want her to have the best view of me fucking your pussy from behind," I assured her.
She understood, and giggled.
"Ok, but don't rip my bikini bottoms. They're expensive."
She approached me and I hooked my thumbs into her bikini. I slowly pulled it down, admiring the way the material crept out between her ass cheeks, exposing a full, round bottom. As her bikini bottoms fell to the floor, I remained crouched and admired her neatly trimmed pussy. I ran my fingers up her thighs and probed her soft cunt lips, feeling the moistness even before I pushed my index finger inside her delicate folds.
Emma sighed as I breathed on her clit and inserted another finger. She put her leg up on the bed so Gina could watch. My tongue probed her clit as I stroked my fingers in and out of her tight pussy. She began to moan and Gina squirmed on the bed. I sucked her clit into my mouth and tickled her g-spot with my fingertips. Her legs began to shake and her hands flew down to my head, gripping my hair.
"Oooooh yeah! Suck that clit," she moaned.
Before she could get off, I stood and sucked her wetness off my fingers.
"Let's give Gina a close-up show," I said.
Emma climbed onto the bed and arched her back, offering her full ass and dripping snatch up to my strained erection. The veins stood out on my shaft and I knew I would not last long in Emma's teenage pussy.
Kneeling astride Gina's outstretched arms, I rubbed my dick head roughly against Emma's soaking mound, coating it in her pussy juice. I pressed it against her cunt, parting her labia and kneading the soft pink at her opening. I met instant resistance.
"Ah, shit. I-- I don't know if I can take it," Emma said.
"Just relax, sweetheart," reassured Gina. "If you want I can lube him up a bit with my mouth," she offered.
"Um..." Emma thought about it, looking over her shoulder. "Ok, but don't make him cum. Just get his cock nice and wet."
I pulled back and lowered myself to Gina's face. She had tilted her head far back, exposing her throat.
"Just ease it down my throat, not too fast. Don't pull back until your balls are on my upper lip. I'm good at this," said Gina.
I wordlessly obeyed, placing my cock head into her mouth, then sliding it forward as if into a sheath. Her throat was tight, and I could see my cock's progress in her throat as I forced my way into her mouth, but she did not gag. I pushed my entire length into her mouth until her tongue stuck out and my balls were covering her nose. I held it there for a few moments, feeling like I was going to lose control. Emma had sat up and was turned to watch.
"Geez, mom. You dirty deep-throating slut!" Emma commented.
I pulled out about an inch, then thrust gently for a few strokes while I squeezed her mammoth tits, rolling the hard nipples between my fingers. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of Gina's convulsing throat.
"Pull out now! Don't you dare cum in her throat!" cried Emma.
I pulled out, my cock now smothered in thick saliva. Gina gasped beneath me as I reached up to slip a finger into Emma's slit, making sure she was still secreting her sex nectar.
"I'm impressed, Gina. You took it all and didn't even gag," I said.
"I've had practice," she replied, winking. "I think you can take it now, honey," she said to her daughter.
My cock was soaked, and dripped onto Gina's chin as I once again parted Emma's lips with my manhood. Rubbing the wet shaft up and down her soft pussy, I held the base and pushed forwards. Emma grasped my bedsheets in her hands as I felt her pussy tighten.
"Emma, sweetheart, you have to relax," said Gina soothingly. "Arch your back, lower your head."
Emma let her hair fall forward as she placed her head on the outside of Gina's leg. She looked under her arm at me. I saw her enormous breast obscuring most of her face, but her large dark eyes told me she was ready.
I pushed gently at first, then, feeling her pussy muscles loosen, gave a strong thrust. My cock head penetrated her moist tightness in one slippery motion, and I heard her gasp. Her pussy clenched my knob and I had to bite my lip to keep from blowing my wad.
"Goddamn, Emma!" I blurted.
I placed my hands on her ass cheeks and squeezed. I pushed again. A hiss escaped Emma's lips, and I saw her squeezing her eyes shut.
"Just--just leave it there for a sec. Let it stretch me. Oh god. How much is in me?" Emma said.
"You've barely taken his head," said Gina. "Why don't you rub her clit a little. It will take her mind off the fat cock that's splitting her," she addressed me.
I reached underneath Emma and traced my fingers to the top of her pussy. Her lips were spread wide from my girth and I easily found her erect clitoris. I rubbed it with my middle finger. Emma hummed her approval, and I took the opportunity to force another inch into her soft depths.
"Oh that looks wonderful! Take him, honey. Take his thick cock!" cooed Gina, clearly enjoying watching her daughter's pussy slowly devour my member.
I rubbed her clit faster as I pushed again. This time Emma pushed her hips backwards and I slid in several more inches.
"Aaaaaah! Ooooh fuck!" she cried. "S--stop there for a sec," she begged.
She had lifted herself up, straightening her arms and was looking underneath herself. Her pendulous breasts undoubtedly blocked her view.
"How far in are you?" she asked me.
"You've got most of him inside you, darling," her mother replied for me. "It's beautiful. You're taking him so well, honey. Your little pussy is really stretched, but you're taking him!" Gina was clearly becoming aroused.
She squirmed underneath us.
"God mom, you're leaking all over the place," Emma observed, peering down between her mother's legs. I reached up to Emma's chest and fondled both her heavy tits, feeling the hard nipples against my palms and watching the flesh bulge out on the sides. I kissed her back as I felt her up. She responded by pushing back against my cock, which was being squeezed mercilessly by her vaginal walls.
"Shit Emma, I'm going to cum..." I muttered.
"Pull out now! Don't you dare cum inside my little girl!" cried Gina.
To prevent losing control, I sat up and pushed Emma's ass cheeks, watching my shiny length emerge from her cunt, pulling the flesh around her opening back with my cock skin. Just in the nick of time, my head emerged, flushed and pulsing. I breathed deeply.
"That was close. You are so tight Emma, your pussy feels so amazing," I said.
"Let me see it," said Emma, sitting upright and spinning around.
I displayed my glistening length and pointed at the base.
"I made it to about here."
"Of my fucking god, I thought for sure you were all the way in!" Emma said incredulously.
"Your little cunt is definitely looser now. But it needs that dick. Get it back in there!" Gina added.
"Ok. I think I'm ready for you now," said Emma, bending over and offering her round ass and dripping pussy.
"Fuck my tight hole."
Before resuming my position, I pointed my dick down towards Gina's face, looking her in the eye invitingly. She smiled and nodded subtly, as I dipped my cock into her open mouth. She suckled the head quietly and eagerly, before pushing it out between her lips, giving me unspoken permission to penetrate her daughter's teenage depths once again. I guided my cock forwards and plunged in, more forcefully this time, so I wouldn't drag out the pain Emma might feel. She squeaked, but began a long drawn-out moan as I eased into her, up to where I had penetrated previously.
"Uuuuhhhhhhnnnnnnn," her throaty voice was a turn-on.
I was nearly fully in when she yelped.
"Aaaai! Ok baby, that's far enough. You're hitting something," she said quickly.
"God, what massive cock you have. Now I want you to fuck my daughter with it," Gina said.
I pulled out, and started pumping several inches into her in a slow, steady rhythm. I didn't want to go too deep. Emma began to enjoy herself.
"Uh, uh, uh, ah, ah, yeah, that's... oh that's good. Oh that's fucking good. Stroke it in me," she said in a high pitched moan.
I could feel her pussy contract and relax around my shaft as she got used to the rhythm. She hadn't moved her body yet, afraid she might force me too deep. To encourage her, I again leaned over her curved back and grabbed a handful of titty with my left hand. With my right, I scooped Gina's right breast and squeezed it. I had stopped thrusting, so Emma got the message and pushed her sweet ass back into me, and continued the rhythm.
"That's it baby, fuck my cock while I compare you and your mom's tits," I said smiling.
Emma looked underneath her.
"Well, who's got the better rack?" asked Gina, jiggling her tit underneath my hand.
"You're both very busty women, I must say. No clear winner here... well, except for me," I replied.
After a minute, I sat upright again, and held Emma's waist. Our rhythm quickened as I dipped more of my manhood into her honey pot.
"You're so wet now, Emma. I'm just sliding in and out so easily."
"Oh yeah baby, don't stop. It feels so good," she whimpered.
"Her juices have run all over your balls. Why don't you lower them a little so I can clean them off for you," offered Gina.
"You are such a dirty slut, Gina. I love it!" I exclaimed.
I pushed Emma's thighs apart, lowering us closer to Gina's face. Her tongue was already extended in anticipation. Now Emma did the work as I remained in place, feeling Gina's eager tongue probe my nutsack then take first one ball, then the other into her mouth amid loud slurping sounds. I pulled Emma's ass towards me with each movement as I enjoyed the sensation of Gina's lips nibbling at the base of my erection behind my nuts. Emma's thrusts became more urgent as her willing pussy accepted more and more of my length.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Uhn! Uhn! Uhn! Oh fuck, oh fuck, you're making me cum! You're making my pussy cum!" shouted Emma.
Cleverly anticipating how close I was to cumming, Gina sucked one of my balls into her mouth and pressed it between her lips just hard enough to cause me mild pain, thus staving off my impending explosion of semen. I winced at the not unpleasant pain as Emma backed her pussy onto my cock forcefully, taking almost all of it. My dick head hitting some inner depth pushed Emma over the edge as she released an unbridled scream.
"AaaaaaaaaaAAAaaahhhhhhaaaahh!" She pushed her face into Gina's thigh as she cried out.
Her mother's wet pussy must have been inches from her face. Gina released my nut and I raised myself slightly so she could watch Emma's pussy spasm around my cock.
"Oh honey, you two look so beautiful. God, I would love to feel what you're feeling right now," she mused.
Emma just trembled, fistfuls of my bed sheets gripped tightly in her hands, her pussy undergoing waves of convulsions. I needed to pull out or her vaginal massage would put me over the edge. I withdrew from her depths with difficulty as her orgasm abated. She crawled forward and rolled over, collapsing next to Gina, her head at the foot of the bed, her arms clasping her bosom. Her legs and labia were parted slightly, revealing her deep pink slit, oozing girl-cum. I sat back, gently tapping my dick head on Gina's soft lips.
"Now, dear, it's only polite that you come over here and clean up the mess you made on your lover's penis," said Gina pedantically.
Emma looked up between her heaving breasts.
"How? With my mouth?" she asked innocently.
"Oh honey, of course 'with your mouth'."
"But I've never, um, tasted myself before," she said plaintively as she sat up on her knees.
"Well there's no better time. Come on, it's not that bad. It's a lot better than a mouthful of spunk!" Gina declared emphatically.
I moved so I was kneeling beside Gina's head, with Emma on the other side. She leaned over and tentatively licked my cock head. She tasted her cum, paused, then resumed licking, this time up from my balls to my glans.
"It's not bad, actually," she said.
"I told you."
"So you're not a big fan of sperm, huh?" I asked Gina, as Emma diligently cleaned my cock with her mouth.
"Not particularly," said Gina, matter-of-factly. "I'll take it in my mouth, but I spit it out. And I never let a guy cum on me, if I can help it."
Emma paused from her blowjob and licked her lips.
"How come? I've let guys cum on my tits before. I kinda liked it," she giggled.
"I just don't want it all over me. It's sticky and messy," she added.
"You know, you shouldn't be telling me this, mom," said Emma, an evil plan hatching in her head.
"Emma, if you know what's good for you, you'll point that thing away from me when he cums," Gina warned.
Emma laughed and gave my knob a hard suck, but did not reply to Gina.
"Speaking of which, you're probably aching to unload that sticky wad," Emma addressed me.
"Am I ever! Why don't you lie down on your mom. Yeah, with our head beside hers, like that."
Emma was laying on her mom, Gina's tits pressing into her daughter's back. I positioned them so that their pussies were stacked on top of one another.
I spread both pairs of legs and admired the two cunts before me, as I knelt between them. Emma propped herself up slightly and positioned her top half sideways, as Gina peered over her daughter's enormous tits.
"Hmmm, now which pussy should I fuck?" I said jokingly.
"Don't you dare stick that in my mom! She doesn't deserve it. We're trying to teach her a lesson, remember?" said Emma.
"Of course, of course," I reassured her.
I dipped my head down and admired both women's wet slits. I parted Emma's lips with my fingers and rapidly drove my tongue in and out of her soft folds. As she closed her eyes to enjoy her oral sex, I slid my fingers along Gina's soaked labia. Licking forcefully at Emma's clit to distract her, I inserted two fingers into Gina's pussy and massaged her swollen clit with my thumb.
I looked up at the mother and daughter. Emma's eyes were still shut, and her breasts sat beautifully on her chest in her semi-reclined position. She made slight twitching movements when my tongue pushed against her still-sensitive clit, which caused her melons to sway and wobble.
Her mother had craned her neck up and was watching me as I finger-fucked her pussy while eating her daughter's. Her mouth was half-open, and her eyes half closed. I could tell it was a massive effort not to moan or otherwise indicate to Emma that she was being pleasured as well. I loved watching them, breathing hard and squirming underneath my ministrations. Still looking at Gina, I withdrew my fingers and sucked them into my mouth, winking. She smiled widely then pursed her lips.
I sat upright, my cock bobbing in front of me. I wet the tip on Gina's dripping snatch, while I parted Emma's lips with my other hand.
"Yeah, put it in, fuck me again," she begged, spreading her legs wide.
I penetrated her soft, warm depths fairly easily this time, a wave of pleasure sweeping through me. I quickly started thrusting into her. Emma watched my length vanish into her velvety folds repeatedly, while Gina placed her feet on the backs of my thighs, encouraging my thrusting.
"Fuck my daughter! Fuck her hard!" she commanded.
Propping myself up on my hands, I drove into Emma faster, watching her tits bounce up and down. She was emitting high-pitched moans again, and after a few minutes I knew she was nearing orgasm.
"Ooooouuuu yeah baby, fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck my pussyyyyyy!" she cried.
I moved my hand to her snatch and furiously rubbed her clit.
"I'm cumming again! I'm cumming all over your cock!" she screamed.
Her orgasm was not as powerful as her first, but I felt it nonetheless. I continued my fervent thrusting until I lost control.
"Fuck Emma, I'm gonna cum, I can't hold it!" I said.
With cat-like quickness, Emma leaped off her mother and crouched beside me. Putting one hand around my waist, she gripped my twitching cock with the other, her face against my side, and pumped my long shaft ferociously.
"Don't you da--" Gina's voice was cut off by my explosive shot, which rocketed into her open mouth. She began spitting and spluttering as blast after blast arced over her supine body, splashing on her face, on her tits, her stomach. Emma was jerking me off with such enthusiasm that cum was flying everywhere. Even Gina's curly hair, which was splayed out around her, was covered in streaks of milky white.
"Oh my GOD," said Emma, still stroking me. "You really needed to cum!"
Spurt after spurt splashed down onto Gina's bound, exposed body, until finally my ejaculations weakened and eventually subsided. She squirmed and spat, her huge globes wiggling from side to side. My jizz ran over her breasts, making them resemble iced buns, with her nipples as the candied cherry pieces on top of each. The cum pooled on her chest and throat in thick puddles. Emma began to laugh, as she squeezed the last few drops from my dick head, watching them slide over her fingers.
"Don't try to tell me you don't like this. Him shooting his hot, sticky load on your naked body. I mean, it's like getting a facial... and a body treatment," she laughed, still stroking me.
Gina had lifted her head again to observe the mess I had made on her supple flesh. One of her eyes was closed, as it had a stripe of jizz over top of it, but the other was unobstructed. She tentatively licked drops of cum from her lips. I was shuddering from the afterglow of my cum explosion, and reached down to squeeze Emma's tit in appreciation. Gina was deeply flushed, and her breathing was rapid.
"It... it does taste pretty good," she hesitantly admitted. "Look at me... I'm... I'm soaked in your man juice. It's all over me. You've jizzed on my face... you've soaked my tits..." she exclaimed, bemused.
"I knew the slut in you would like this: a nice, cum bath," said Emma.
Gina's legs, which had previously been attempting to push me away, now opened wide, her knees bent, offering her dripping pussy to me.
"Put it in my pussy. I need to feel your fat cock in my pussy. Quick, before it goes soft!" said Gina in a breathy voice.
Emma smiled and pointed my dick at her mom's opening. I looked at her, surprised.
"You're actually going to let me fuck your mom?" I asked.
"Yes! Fuck my pussy now!" cried Gina, her toes curling.
Emma switched hands, pulled my dick towards her mom's willing pussy, using the fingers of her other hand to spread Gina's labia wide.
"You really want it bad, don't you mom? You'd love to have this big, thick cock buried inside you, wouldn't you?" Emma teased.
"Yes, honey! Put it in me before he loses his erection!" begged Gina.
"You mean, right in here?" said Emma, touching my cock head against Gina's fuck hole.
"Yes! Goddammit yes! Fuck me!" yelled Gina, her body shaking in anticipation.
Emma quickly pulled my cock up and away from her mother's cunt.
"Mmmmm, I don't think so," she said, then bent over and sucked the drops of cum off my dick while Gina watched helplessly.
"AAAagh! You little bitch!" Gina shouted.
"Now now, mother, there's no need to be rude,"
replied Emma, rubbing my cock on her tit.
She giggled and pulled me off the bed, kissing me. She skipped out of the room briefly while I leaned on my dresser, watching my jizz slowly drip over Gina's helpless body. When she returned, she held her phone pointed at her mom. She took several pictures.
"For insurance," she remarked.
Gina looked furious, but decided to try a different tack.
"Ok honey, you've had your fun. I understand how you feel and will respect your wishes concerning men from now on. Now please let mommy out of these handcuffs."
Emma put down her phone and sat on the bed beside her mom. She put her index finger on her mom's stomach and trailed it up and over her right tit, collecting my jizm on the tip. She casually circled Gina's nipple, watching as it hardened under her touch. She then brought her finger up to her mouth and sucked my cum off. Gina observed wordlessly, a puzzled expression on her face.
"Nice try," Emma said, finally. She soaked in her retribution, looking her mom's sticky body up and down with contempt.
"God, he really did spunk all over you. I think you should get yourself cleaned up," said Emma, standing and pulling on my arm. "Unlock her and take her to your bathroom."
I retrieved the key to the handcuffs and leaned over Gina to unlock her. I looked down at her as she blinked some cum out of her eye. She looked at me with a burning gaze, somewhere between fury and lust. I was unsure whether she was going to jump me in a sexual frenzy, or tear my genitals from my groin with her bare hands in a blind rage.
I put the key in the lock, but didn't turn it.
"Now Gina, you'll behave yourself, won't you? We wouldn't want certain pictures being circulated to the public," I said to her quietly.
She curled her lip and sneered. I reached down and wiped the cum from her eye and cheek. I trailed my fingers down her chest and over her breasts, pinching her nipples until they became hard. I scooped my jizm from her massive tits, then put my fingers in her mouth so she could suck them clean. She looked at me and held her gaze for a moment, then looked down at her cum-streaked body. She looked back up to me.
"I'll be good. I promise."
I paused, trying to gauge her sincerity, then decided it was safe to proceed. I unlocked the cuffs and removed them, then stepped back to Emma, who put her arm around my waist. Gina kneeled on the bed, rubbing cum into her bulging breasts, then tracing her fingers down to her pussy. She stroked her clit as she licked cum off her titty.
"Are you sure you don't want to let mommy have a go?" asked Gina innocently, still holding her boob to her mouth.
"No, mom. Now go get in the shower," Emma replied.
Gina got off the bed and rubbed her wrists gingerly. I motioned to the door and Gina walked slowly past me, swaying her hips exaggeratedly and winking at me as her tits bounced in time with her stride. Emma reached down to hold my soft cock possessively as Gina went by, eying her mother suspiciously.
"Just down the hall to the right," I said.
Emma pulled my dick gently and we followed Gina into my large, tiled bathroom.
Gina made her way straight to the glass shower stall and turned on the water, holding her hand under the stream to test the temperature. She got in, the water pouring over her sexy body, rinsing my baby batter from her skin as she tipped her head back and let the water cascade over her busty torso. I stared at her as she ran her hands down her sides, over her hips and thighs, then back up her stomach to her tits, which she squeezed to her chest as she looked at me.
I felt a familiar stirring in my groin.
Gina licked her lips and pulled at her nipples, then cupped her enormous melons, pushing them against the glass of the shower stall. They pancaked against the glass, spreading outward in wide circles of pressed tit.
"You love these titties, don't you? I know you want to stroke your cock between them," said Gina, enticingly.
I wordlessly stared at her as she ran her breasts up and down the glass. I saw Gina's hand slide down her tummy, through her pubes and between her legs.
"Come on, baby. Fuck my pussy. I'll fuck you so good you won't know what to do with yourself," Gina continued in a husky voice as she stroked her fingers along her slit, her tits still pressed against the glass.
"Hey!" exclaimed Emma, whom I had all but forgotten about.
She was looking down at my crotch with her arms crossed. I followed her gaze and noticed that my penis was sticking out, nearing a full erection. I shrugged.
"Sorry Em, I can't help it. Your mom looks fucking hot... all wet and rubbing her big tits on the glass."
I looked back at Gina, who was grinning broadly. She turned around and pressed her full, round ass cheeks against the glass. I saw her finger appear between her legs and stroke along her asshole.
"I'll let you fuck me in the ass. I know my daughter wouldn't be able to take your thick cock in her little butt hole, but I could. I'd even let you blow your load deep in my dirty asshole," continued Carmen, pushing her middle finger into her anus as a demonstration.
"Hey! Stop it!" complained Emma, balling her fists and putting her arms straight at her sides. Her big breasts shook as she became agitated.
"Emma, why don't you do something about it, then? You mom wants my cock and you're standing right beside me not doing anything," I said, playfully stroking my shaft.
Emma stepped forward quickly and took my hand, pulling me in front of the shower stall. She looked at her mom briefly before squatting down in front of me and guiding my cock into her eager mouth. I put my hands on my hips and admired the view of Emma's large brown eyes watching me as she sucked my hard cock into her mouth, stroking my shaft with her hand.
She sucked me for a minute before moving her hands to my thighs. Still looking up at me, she bobbed her head taking more of my cock than she ever had before. I loved the sight of her eyes watering as she suppressed her gag reflex, her cheeks pulling inward, her huge tits bulging out below her face. I gently thrust my hips as she gave me head, as she began to vocalise, half-moaning, half-gagging on my long, thick cock. I looked into the shower at Gina, who was facing us, her tits on the glass again. She was fingering her pussy.
"Your teenage daughter looks so beautiful sucking my big cock, doesn't she? Look how good she's getting: she's taking me into her throat," I said to Gina, gently stroking Emma's hair as she blew me.
"Oh honey, I knew you'd be a great cock sucker, just like your mom," Gina said to her daughter, her voice full of pride. "Take that cock deep, honey."
Emma, encouraged by her mother's words, looked at me again and pushed her head down on my member. I watched inch after inch vanish into her mouth as she struggled to take me deep. I moaned as I felt her throat squeeze me tightly, then begin to convulse as Emma gagged. She spluttered, holding me in her throat as long as she could, before pulling my length out and coughing. After she recovered, she looked up at me with watery eyes.
"How did I do?"
"You did very well, Em. I think it's time to reward you," I said, taking her hand and getting her to stand up.
We kissed deeply as I pulled her against me, the warm swells of her tits pushing against my chest. I led her to the Jacuzzi tub adjacent the shower stall. I sat on the edge with my feet inside, facing the shower.
"Sit on my cock, Emma. Let's give your mom a nice view of us fucking," I said, sliding my hand along the spit-soaked length of my penis.
Emma grinned and stepped into the tub. She approached me, then turned around, putting her leg up on the edge of the tub and her hand behind her on my chest. I guided my cock to her hot, wet snatch as she lowered herself onto me, and I moaned as I felt her sweet teen pussy engulf my dick head and take me inside.
"Oh god baby, I'm taking your big cock inside me again... it feels soooooo good," Emma exclaimed in an almost desperate-sounding high-pitched tone.
"Mmmmm yes, Em, your tight little pussy is squeezing my dick so hard. Now ride that cock, sweetheart," I said, watching my stiff rod disappear underneath her buttocks.
When I had penetrated her deeply, she flexed her legs, pushing herself up along my length. It took her a few slow, deep strokes before her pussy adjusted to my size, but her saliva and vaginal lubrication greatly aided the process. She began a quick rhythm, bouncing enthusiastically on my hard cock, rotating her hips to stimulate my cock in a variety of ways as she rode me. I put my hand on the small of her back and thrust my hips gently upwards in time with her body.
The pleasure was incredible. I could feel her pussy flex and relax around my cock, and my dick head was pushed and pulled by her soft, wet vaginal walls as if they had a will of their own. Her open palm pressed firmly against my chest for support as her fingernails scratched at my skin. I looked past her arm to her shoulder and down the womanly curve of her torso. Her large side-boob bounced into view every time her ass made contact with my groin, rebounding off her body then lifting up as she reached the apex of her stroke.
I could not see past Emma to the shower, but above Emma's high sighs and moans, and my own grunts, I could hear another voice moaning with us.
"Baby, lean back so I can see your mom. Is she still watching?" I asked.
"It's getting steamy in there... aaaahhh.. she keeps wiping the glass so she can see us," said Emma between bounces.
Pausing at the top of her thrust, with only my dick head buried inside her, she slid her hand up my chest, then placed it against the wall behind my head. She slowly sat down on my cock and put her arm around my neck. As she leaned back, her tit rolled to the side and pushed against my cheek. As I licked it, I reached my right hand down her stomach to her clit, which I rubbed vigorously.
"Keep fucking me, Emma, you're doing an amazing job," I encouraged her.
She leaned her head down and kissed me, then used her legs to support her hips as she began riding my cock again.
The glass in the shower was completely fogged; I could not see Gina through it, nor had she cleared it. That's when I heard the tap turn off, and saw her long leg step out of the shower. She walked up to the other end of the large Jacuzzi, not bothering to towel her dripping body off. She stood staring at me and her daughter as we fucked, her left hand trailing her fingers between her enormous breasts, her right hand flat on her inner thigh, centimeters from her pussy lips.
She seemed mesmerised by our rhythmic gyrations: the bouncing of Emma's tits, the motion of my thick, glistening shaft as it drove between her daughter's moist, pink pussy lips, the small, round circles my middle finger traced over top of Emma's clit, the swaying of my balls as they bounced between our spread legs. Gina's hand wandered over her chest, grasping her breast, as her other hand touched her labia tenderly. Her lips were slightly parted as she breathed heavily through them, and her eyes roamed hungrily over our naked bodies.
Not looking away even for a second, Gina slowly stepped into the tub, feeling her way along the far side until she sat on the tiled ledge, her back against the shower stall. She spread her legs wide, placing her feet on the sides of the tub, and put her hands on her breasts, pushing them together as she pursed her lips. She held her left tit to her mouth and suckled her own nipple as her right hand made its descent down her wet body to the pink slit below her brown pubic hair. She spread her pussy lips open and placed her middle finger over her swollen clit, closing her eyes and sighing loudly.
"You're really getting off on this, aren't you, Gina? You love watching your daughter get boned by my big cock," I taunted Gina as Emma rode my member.
"You know I love it. You both look so hot and sexy fucking each other right in front of me. Honey, you're riding that dick just like I would, taking it nice and deep," Gina spoke softly, still in a sexual daze.
"It's so fucking good, mom. He's fucking me so goooood!" cried Emma, arching her back and riding me harder, her tit now bouncing forcefully off my face.
"Oh honey, please let me suck on his big balls while you fuck his cock," said Gina, licking her lips hungrily.
"You... aah... You want to suck his balls? You mean these?" Emma reached down and tickled my ball sack as she continued to ride me.
"Yes! I want them in my mouth. Then after I suck them, maybe you can watch mommy take his dick in my ass. I'll show you a few tricks that will drive him wild." Gina caressed her tit as her finger worked faster on her wet mound.
My cock throbbed at the thought of fucking Gina's round ass in front of Emma, but I sensed that I would be pushing it if I agreed to her suggestion.
"No, I don't think so, mom. I think you're going to sit there and watch us fuck," Emma said sternly, panting in between sentences. "You're going to watch his cock pound my pussy until he cums inside me. Ooooooh!"
This last idea seemed to excite Emma greatly, and I felt her cunt contract on my dick as she moaned. Gina seemed upset, and she frowned angrily.
"You really want me to cum inside you, baby?" I asked, knowing it would anger Gina even more.
"Oh yeah... I want you to fill my little pussy with your jizz," squealed Emma, looking down at me.
"Look, I'm not going to sit here and watch my daughter get filled with cum when it should be me riding that magnificent cock," Gina broke in, but was still openly masturbating, making no indication she was going to leave.
Emma stopped riding me and looked at her mom.
"Yes you are. You're going to sit right there with your legs spread like the slut you are and watch him shoot his load in my cunt."
There was a dead silence as we all waited to see what would happen. I could almost feel the power balance shift as Gina--the previously dominant figure--succumbed to the will of her daughter. Her desire to watch the perverse sexual scene in front of her, rather than leave, was too much to resist. It became obvious that she would do anything to be a part of her daughter's sexual experience, even if it was only in an observatory role. Gina's silence spoke volumes.
"Good. Now he's going to tell you what to do, and you're going to obey," Emma said as she resumed her up-and-down ride on my erect penis.
I looked at Emma, then to Gina, who seemed to be waiting anxiously for my command.
"Cup your tits for me. Hold them out to me, let me have a good look," I said.
Gina swiftly obeyed, pushing her breasts up and out from underneath. I reached up and cupped Emma's tits at the same time.
"Very nice, Gina. I bet they're nice and soft, like Emma's here," I continued, rolling her daughter's breasts in my fingers. "Now suck on your nipples."
Gina did as she was told, sucking first her left nipple, then her right.
"Bite them," I grunted.
She did so, causing herself mild pain, but seeming to enjoy it.
"Now stand up and bend over, face your ass this way."
Gina stood and turned around slowly, then bent at the waist, putting her hands on the tile ledge of the tub, peering back at us.
"Spread your ass cheeks."
Gina put her hands on her buttocks, fingers splayed. She spread them apart, displaying her anus.
"Ooooh yeah... I bet that asshole has seen its fair share of cocks," I joked.
Emma stared at her mom's asshole.
"You like taking it up the ass, don't you mom? You're a dirty slut who loves anal," stated Emma.
"Yes honey, I love a good, hard dick in my ass. It feels so good!" said Gina enthusiastically.
"Show me. Put three fingers in your ass right now," I commanded, reaching down to push Emma's wide hips onto my thrusting cock.
Gina put her hand to her mouth, sucking her fingers, then slid her hand to the top of her ass. Her fingers traced down the crack of her bum and found her asshole. She pushed two fingers into her bottom and worked them in and out several times before sticking a third finger in, stretching her hole. She began to moan loudly as she stimulated herself.
"Is that good? Do you like watching me finger my asshole?" she moaned.
"Yes, Gina, you're doing very well," I said as I fucked her young daughter.
We watched Gina pleasure herself anally for a time, moaning as she watched us fuck, then I had another request.
"Ok Gina, that's enough anal fingering. Now sit like you were before, with your legs spread."
Gina slipped her fingers from her gaped ass and stood, turning to face us. She sat down again and spread her legs.
"Clean those dirty fingers, Gina. Lick them clean," I said, grinning.
Gina seemed shocked, and gasped, blushing.
"Do it!" cried Emma, grinding her ass on my groin.
Gina tentatively licked her fingers, hesitant at first, then pushing them into her mouth and running her tongue between them.
"Look at that, Em. Your mom is such a dirty slut!"
Emma giggled at the sight of her humiliated mother. "Yes she is. How does your ass taste mom?"
"It... it tastes good," Gina admitted.
"You've sucked your own ass juice off loads of cocks, haven't you?" I asked.
"Yes I have," Gina said simply, licking her middle finger.
I got an idea. "Gina, there's a bottle of lube in my bedside table. Go get it."
Emma looked at me questioningly. I just smiled and reached down to stroke her clit. She sighed and closed her eyes.
Gina returned moments later with the bottle, which was of a relatively large diameter, but rounded at the end (some might argue it was designed for a particular purpose). She resumed her spot at the end of the tub.
"Do you want me to put some on you?" asked Gina, opening the bottle and squirting a bit on her fingers.
"No. I want you to rub that lube on the end of the bottle and put it in your ass," I said.
Gina looked at me, surprised, then looked at the bottle, which was about as thick as my cock when fully erect. She decided she could take it, and rubbed the lube on the end. She then shifted down and exposed her asshole, squeezing more lube out onto her hand and rubbing it in liberally on her puckered ass. She reached underneath her leg and put the round end of the bottle against her anus and pushed in. Her butt hole resisted at first, but the lube helped greatly as the bottle stretched her ass wide and plunged inside. Gina screamed as it entered her.
"Yeah! God you look hot with your sexy ass getting stretched by that bottle. Now fuck your ass with it and finger your pussy. I want you to have a good time while you watch me cum in your teen daughter!" I grunted as I pounded Emma's pussy hard.
Emma moaned louder, and was soon joined by her mother, who stuffed two fingers into her wet pussy and began thrusting the lube-dildo in and out of her bottom. Her big tits rested like soft pillows on her chest, and jiggled with her masturbatory efforts as the three of us got off on each other.
"Oh! Oh baby! Oh god you're making my pussy cum!" cried Emma, bouncing high, hard, and fast on my column.
"Fuck yeah, baby, I'm gonna blow my load in your sweet cunt! Aaargh!" I said as I felt a twitching in my loins.
Emma supported herself just above me and I thrust my hips hard and fast as I felt her pussy contract. She cried out in ecstasy as I felt my sperm rush up my cock and explode into her warm depths.
"Aaaaaaahhhh! Fuck meeee! I can feel his cum shoot into my pussy, mom! Oh god it feels so fucking hot!" squealed Emma as I unloaded spurt after spurt inside her.
Gina's eyes were wide and she worked the bottle of lube in and out of her stretched asshole with renewed vigor as she rapidly slapped her wet clit.
She giggled and pulled me off the bed, kissing me. She skipped out of the room briefly while I leaned on my dresser, watching my jizz slowly drip over Gina's helpless body. When she returned, she held her phone pointed at her mom. She took several pictures.
"For insurance," she remarked.
Gina looked furious, but decided to try a different tack.
"Ok honey, you've had your fun. I understand how you feel and will respect your wishes concerning men from now on. Now please let mommy out of these handcuffs."
Emma put down her phone and sat on the bed beside her mom. She put her index finger on her mom's stomach and trailed it up and over her right tit, collecting my jizm on the tip. She casually circled Gina's nipple, watching as it hardened under her touch. She then brought her finger up to her mouth and sucked my cum off. Gina observed wordlessly, a puzzled expression on her face.
"Nice try," Emma said, finally. She soaked in her retribution, looking her mom's sticky body up and down with contempt.
"God, he really did spunk all over you. I think you should get yourself cleaned up," said Emma, standing and pulling on my arm. "Unlock her and take her to your bathroom."
I retrieved the key to the handcuffs and leaned over Gina to unlock her. I looked down at her as she blinked some cum out of her eye. She looked at me with a burning gaze, somewhere between fury and lust. I was unsure whether she was going to jump me in a sexual frenzy, or tear my genitals from my groin with her bare hands in a blind rage.
I put the key in the lock, but didn't turn it.
"Now Gina, you'll behave yourself, won't you? We wouldn't want certain pictures being circulated to the public," I said to her quietly.
She curled her lip and sneered. I reached down and wiped the cum from her eye and cheek. I trailed my fingers down her chest and over her breasts, pinching her nipples until they became hard. I scooped my jizm from her massive tits, then put my fingers in her mouth so she could suck them clean. She looked at me and held her gaze for a moment, then looked down at her cum-streaked body. She looked back up to me.
"I'll be good. I promise."
I paused, trying to gauge her sincerity, then decided it was safe to proceed. I unlocked the cuffs and removed them, then stepped back to Emma, who put her arm around my waist. Gina kneeled on the bed, rubbing cum into her bulging breasts, then tracing her fingers down to her pussy. She stroked her clit as she licked cum off her titty.
"Are you sure you don't want to let mommy have a go?" asked Gina innocently, still holding her boob to her mouth.
"No, mom. Now go get in the shower," Emma replied.
Gina got off the bed and rubbed her wrists gingerly. I motioned to the door and Gina walked slowly past me, swaying her hips exaggeratedly and winking at me as her tits bounced in time with her stride. Emma reached down to hold my soft cock possessively as Gina went by, eying her mother suspiciously.
"Just down the hall to the right," I said.
Emma pulled my dick gently and we followed Gina into my large, tiled bathroom.
Gina made her way straight to the glass shower stall and turned on the water, holding her hand under the stream to test the temperature. She got in, the water pouring over her sexy body, rinsing my baby batter from her skin as she tipped her head back and let the water cascade over her busty torso. I stared at her as she ran her hands down her sides, over her hips and thighs, then back up her stomach to her tits, which she squeezed to her chest as she looked at me.
I felt a familiar stirring in my groin.
Gina licked her lips and pulled at her nipples, then cupped her enormous melons, pushing them against the glass of the shower stall. They pancaked against the glass, spreading outward in wide circles of pressed tit.
"You love these titties, don't you? I know you want to stroke your cock between them," said Gina, enticingly.
I wordlessly stared at her as she ran her breasts up and down the glass. I saw Gina's hand slide down her tummy, through her pubes and between her legs.
"Come on, baby. Fuck my pussy. I'll fuck you so good you won't know what to do with yourself," Gina continued in a husky voice as she stroked her fingers along her slit, her tits still pressed against the glass.
"Hey!" exclaimed Emma, whom I had all but forgotten about.
She was looking down at my crotch with her arms crossed. I followed her gaze and noticed that my penis was sticking out, nearing a full erection. I shrugged.
"Sorry Em, I can't help it. Your mom looks fucking hot... all wet and rubbing her big tits on the glass."
I looked back at Gina, who was grinning broadly. She turned around and pressed her full, round ass cheeks against the glass. I saw her finger appear between her legs and stroke along her asshole.
"I'll let you fuck me in the ass. I know my daughter wouldn't be able to take your thick cock in her little butt hole, but I could. I'd even let you blow your load deep in my dirty asshole," continued Carmen, pushing her middle finger into her anus as a demonstration.
"Hey! Stop it!" complained Emma, balling her fists and putting her arms straight at her sides. Her big breasts shook as she became agitated.
"Emma, why don't you do something about it, then? You mom wants my cock and you're standing right beside me not doing anything," I said, playfully stroking my shaft.
Emma stepped forward quickly and took my hand, pulling me in front of the shower stall. She looked at her mom briefly before squatting down in front of me and guiding my cock into her eager mouth. I put my hands on my hips and admired the view of Emma's large brown eyes watching me as she sucked my hard cock into her mouth, stroking my shaft with her hand.
She sucked me for a minute before moving her hands to my thighs. Still looking up at me, she bobbed her head taking more of my cock than she ever had before. I loved the sight of her eyes watering as she suppressed her gag reflex, her cheeks pulling inward, her huge tits bulging out below her face. I gently thrust my hips as she gave me head, as she began to vocalise, half-moaning, half-gagging on my long, thick cock. I looked into the shower at Gina, who was facing us, her tits on the glass again. She was fingering her pussy.
"Your teenage daughter looks so beautiful sucking my big cock, doesn't she? Look how good she's getting: she's taking me into her throat," I said to Gina, gently stroking Emma's hair as she blew me.
"Oh honey, I knew you'd be a great cock sucker, just like your mom," Gina said to her daughter, her voice full of pride. "Take that cock deep, honey."
Emma, encouraged by her mother's words, looked at me again and pushed her head down on my member. I watched inch after inch vanish into her mouth as she struggled to take me deep. I moaned as I felt her throat squeeze me tightly, then begin to convulse as Emma gagged. She spluttered, holding me in her throat as long as she could, before pulling my length out and coughing. After she recovered, she looked up at me with watery eyes.
"How did I do?"
"You did very well, Em. I think it's time to reward you," I said, taking her hand and getting her to stand up.
We kissed deeply as I pulled her against me, the warm swells of her tits pushing against my chest. I led her to the Jacuzzi tub adjacent the shower stall. I sat on the edge with my feet inside, facing the shower.
"Sit on my cock, Emma. Let's give your mom a nice view of us fucking," I said, sliding my hand along the spit-soaked length of my penis.
Emma grinned and stepped into the tub. She approached me, then turned around, putting her leg up on the edge of the tub and her hand behind her on my chest. I guided my cock to her hot, wet snatch as she lowered herself onto me, and I moaned as I felt her sweet teen pussy engulf my dick head and take me inside.
"Oh god baby, I'm taking your big cock inside me again... it feels soooooo good," Emma exclaimed in an almost desperate-sounding high-pitched tone.
"Mmmmm yes, Em, your tight little pussy is squeezing my dick so hard. Now ride that cock, sweetheart," I said, watching my stiff rod disappear underneath her buttocks.
When I had penetrated her deeply, she flexed her legs, pushing herself up along my length. It took her a few slow, deep strokes before her pussy adjusted to my size, but her saliva and vaginal lubrication greatly aided the process. She began a quick rhythm, bouncing enthusiastically on my hard cock, rotating her hips to stimulate my cock in a variety of ways as she rode me. I put my hand on the small of her back and thrust my hips gently upwards in time with her body.
The pleasure was incredible. I could feel her pussy flex and relax around my cock, and my dick head was pushed and pulled by her soft, wet vaginal walls as if they had a will of their own. Her open palm pressed firmly against my chest for support as her fingernails scratched at my skin. I looked past her arm to her shoulder and down the womanly curve of her torso. Her large side-boob bounced into view every time her ass made contact with my groin, rebounding off her body then lifting up as she reached the apex of her stroke.
I could not see past Emma to the shower, but above Emma's high sighs and moans, and my own grunts, I could hear another voice moaning with us.
"Baby, lean back so I can see your mom. Is she still watching?" I asked.
"It's getting steamy in there... aaaahhh.. she keeps wiping the glass so she can see us," said Emma between bounces.
Pausing at the top of her thrust, with only my dick head buried inside her, she slid her hand up my chest, then placed it against the wall behind my head. She slowly sat down on my cock and put her arm around my neck. As she leaned back, her tit rolled to the side and pushed against my cheek. As I licked it, I reached my right hand down her stomach to her clit, which I rubbed vigorously.
"Keep fucking me, Emma, you're doing an amazing job," I encouraged her.
She leaned her head down and kissed me, then used her legs to support her hips as she began riding my cock again.
The glass in the shower was completely fogged; I could not see Gina through it, nor had she cleared it. That's when I heard the tap turn off, and saw her long leg step out of the shower. She walked up to the other end of the large Jacuzzi, not bothering to towel her dripping body off. She stood staring at me and her daughter as we fucked, her left hand trailing her fingers between her enormous breasts, her right hand flat on her inner thigh, centimeters from her pussy lips.
She seemed mesmerised by our rhythmic gyrations: the bouncing of Emma's tits, the motion of my thick, glistening shaft as it drove between her daughter's moist, pink pussy lips, the small, round circles my middle finger traced over top of Emma's clit, the swaying of my balls as they bounced between our spread legs. Gina's hand wandered over her chest, grasping her breast, as her other hand touched her labia tenderly. Her lips were slightly parted as she breathed heavily through them, and her eyes roamed hungrily over our naked bodies.
Not looking away even for a second, Gina slowly stepped into the tub, feeling her way along the far side until she sat on the tiled ledge, her back against the shower stall. She spread her legs wide, placing her feet on the sides of the tub, and put her hands on her breasts, pushing them together as she pursed her lips. She held her left tit to her mouth and suckled her own nipple as her right hand made its descent down her wet body to the pink slit below her brown pubic hair. She spread her pussy lips open and placed her middle finger over her swollen clit, closing her eyes and sighing loudly.
"You're really getting off on this, aren't you, Gina? You love watching your daughter get boned by my big cock," I taunted Gina as Emma rode my member.
"You know I love it. You both look so hot and sexy fucking each other right in front of me. Honey, you're riding that dick just like I would, taking it nice and deep," Gina spoke softly, still in a sexual daze.
"It's so fucking good, mom. He's fucking me so goooood!" cried Emma, arching her back and riding me harder, her tit now bouncing forcefully off my face.
"Oh honey, please let me suck on his big balls while you fuck his cock," said Gina, licking her lips hungrily.
"You... aah... You want to suck his balls? You mean these?" Emma reached down and tickled my ball sack as she continued to ride me.
"Yes! I want them in my mouth. Then after I suck them, maybe you can watch mommy take his dick in my ass. I'll show you a few tricks that will drive him wild." Gina caressed her tit as her finger worked faster on her wet mound.
My cock throbbed at the thought of fucking Gina's round ass in front of Emma, but I sensed that I would be pushing it if I agreed to her suggestion.
"No, I don't think so, mom. I think you're going to sit there and watch us fuck," Emma said sternly, panting in between sentences. "You're going to watch his cock pound my pussy until he cums inside me. Ooooooh!"
This last idea seemed to excite Emma greatly, and I felt her cunt contract on my dick as she moaned. Gina seemed upset, and she frowned angrily.
"You really want me to cum inside you, baby?" I asked, knowing it would anger Gina even more.
"Oh yeah... I want you to fill my little pussy with your jizz," squealed Emma, looking down at me.
"Look, I'm not going to sit here and watch my daughter get filled with cum when it should be me riding that magnificent cock," Gina broke in, but was still openly masturbating, making no indication she was going to leave.
Emma stopped riding me and looked at her mom.
"Yes you are. You're going to sit right there with your legs spread like the slut you are and watch him shoot his load in my cunt."
There was a dead silence as we all waited to see what would happen. I could almost feel the power balance shift as Gina--the previously dominant figure--succumbed to the will of her daughter. Her desire to watch the perverse sexual scene in front of her, rather than leave, was too much to resist. It became obvious that she would do anything to be a part of her daughter's sexual experience, even if it was only in an observatory role. Gina's silence spoke volumes.
"Good. Now he's going to tell you what to do, and you're going to obey," Emma said as she resumed her up-and-down ride on my erect penis.
I looked at Emma, then to Gina, who seemed to be waiting anxiously for my command.
"Cup your tits for me. Hold them out to me, let me have a good look," I said.
Gina swiftly obeyed, pushing her breasts up and out from underneath. I reached up and cupped Emma's tits at the same time.
"Very nice, Gina. I bet they're nice and soft, like Emma's here," I continued, rolling her daughter's breasts in my fingers. "Now suck on your nipples."
Gina did as she was told, sucking first her left nipple, then her right.
"Bite them," I grunted.
She did so, causing herself mild pain, but seeming to enjoy it.
"Now stand up and bend over, face your ass this way."
Gina stood and turned around slowly, then bent at the waist, putting her hands on the tile ledge of the tub, peering back at us.
"Spread your ass cheeks."
Gina put her hands on her buttocks, fingers splayed. She spread them apart, displaying her anus.
"Ooooh yeah... I bet that asshole has seen its fair share of cocks," I joked.
Emma stared at her mom's asshole.
"You like taking it up the ass, don't you mom? You're a dirty slut who loves anal," stated Emma.
"Yes honey, I love a good, hard dick in my ass. It feels so good!" said Gina enthusiastically.
"Show me. Put three fingers in your ass right now," I commanded, reaching down to push Emma's wide hips onto my thrusting cock.
Gina put her hand to her mouth, sucking her fingers, then slid her hand to the top of her ass. Her fingers traced down the crack of her bum and found her asshole. She pushed two fingers into her bottom and worked them in and out several times before sticking a third finger in, stretching her hole. She began to moan loudly as she stimulated herself.
"Is that good? Do you like watching me finger my asshole?" she moaned.
"Yes, Gina, you're doing very well," I said as I fucked her young daughter.
We watched Gina pleasure herself anally for a time, moaning as she watched us fuck, then I had another request.
"Ok Gina, that's enough anal fingering. Now sit like you were before, with your legs spread."
Gina slipped her fingers from her gaped ass and stood, turning to face us. She sat down again and spread her legs.
"Clean those dirty fingers, Gina. Lick them clean," I said, grinning.
Gina seemed shocked, and gasped, blushing.
"Do it!" cried Emma, grinding her ass on my groin.
Gina tentatively licked her fingers, hesitant at first, then pushing them into her mouth and running her tongue between them.
"Look at that, Em. Your mom is such a dirty slut!"
Emma giggled at the sight of her humiliated mother. "Yes she is. How does your ass taste mom?"
"It... it tastes good," Gina admitted.
"You've sucked your own ass juice off loads of cocks, haven't you?" I asked.
"Yes I have," Gina said simply, licking her middle finger.
I got an idea. "Gina, there's a bottle of lube in my bedside table. Go get it."
Emma looked at me questioningly. I just smiled and reached down to stroke her clit. She sighed and closed her eyes.
Gina returned moments later with the bottle, which was of a relatively large diameter, but rounded at the end (some might argue it was designed for a particular purpose). She resumed her spot at the end of the tub.
"Do you want me to put some on you?" asked Gina, opening the bottle and squirting a bit on her fingers.
"No. I want you to rub that lube on the end of the bottle and put it in your ass," I said.
Gina looked at me, surprised, then looked at the bottle, which was about as thick as my cock when fully erect. She decided she could take it, and rubbed the lube on the end. She then shifted down and exposed her asshole, squeezing more lube out onto her hand and rubbing it in liberally on her puckered ass. She reached underneath her leg and put the round end of the bottle against her anus and pushed in. Her butt hole resisted at first, but the lube helped greatly as the bottle stretched her ass wide and plunged inside. Gina screamed as it entered her.
"Yeah! God you look hot with your sexy ass getting stretched by that bottle. Now fuck your ass with it and finger your pussy. I want you to have a good time while you watch me cum in your teen daughter!" I grunted as I pounded Emma's pussy hard.
Emma moaned louder, and was soon joined by her mother, who stuffed two fingers into her wet pussy and began thrusting the lube-dildo in and out of her bottom. Her big tits rested like soft pillows on her chest, and jiggled with her masturbatory efforts as the three of us got off on each other.
"Oh! Oh baby! Oh god you're making my pussy cum!" cried Emma, bouncing high, hard, and fast on my column.
"Fuck yeah, baby, I'm gonna blow my load in your sweet cunt! Aaargh!" I said as I felt a twitching in my loins.
Emma supported herself just above me and I thrust my hips hard and fast as I felt her pussy contract. She cried out in ecstasy as I felt my sperm rush up my cock and explode into her warm depths.
"Aaaaaaahhhh! Fuck meeee! I can feel his cum shoot into my pussy, mom! Oh god it feels so fucking hot!" squealed Emma as I unloaded spurt after spurt inside her.
Gina's eyes were wide and she worked the bottle of lube in and out of her stretched asshole with renewed vigor as she rapidly slapped her wet clit.
"You bastard! I can't believe you're shooting your cum
into my daughter right in front of me!" Gina exclaimed, but her anger was
undermined by the desire in her eyes, and the frenzied pace of her
I squeezed Emma's soft tits as I blasted my seed into her pussy, watching Gina bring herself closer and closer to orgasm. My spurts began to subside as Emma settled down on top of me, shuddering involuntarily and moaning softly.
"Now it's your turn Gina. Cum for us. Fuck that ass and cum while we watch you," I said, breathing heavily.
Gina moaned and rubbed her clit faster than ever, still thrusting the bottle of lube into her ass. Her tits shook and her mouth opened and closed as she brought herself to climax, screaming and tossing her wet hair about her face. Emma lay slumped against me as we enjoyed the spectacle of her slut mother cumming powerfully for our viewing pleasure. Gina moaned as her orgasm abated, trailing her fingers up her body to her mouth, where she licked her cum from them diligently. She slowly withdrew the bottle of lube from her ass, letting it fall to the bottom of the tub. She touched her anus tenderly as it regained its normal shape, while her other hand roamed to her breasts, caressing them.
I kissed the side of Emma's breast and guided her upwards with my hands on her waist. She supported herself on the wall as she slowly stood, extracting my still engorged cock from her pussy. My dick slipped from her vaginal embrace and fell back onto my stomach. Emma spread her cunt lips with her fingers and remained crouched above me, looking down at her ravaged vagina. She pushed my cum out, and gobs of it dribbled and fell onto my cock, dripping down to my balls. She used her fingers to push more cum out, spilling down and coating my member.
"Oh baby, you came a lot! You really filled me up," cooed Emma, watching as a thick drop rolled down the inside of her thigh.
"Be a good girl and clean him up, honey. Suck his cum off that big cock, and don't forget to lick his balls clean," suggested Gina, more as a request than an order.
Emma turned around and ran her finger along her bare slit, collecting a drop of my cum. She licked it off her finger with relish, then crouched between my knees, looking at me sensually.
"I've made a big mess on you. Let me fix that," she said, then putting her hands on the tops of my thighs, licked me from my scrotum all the way to the tip of my cock, my white jizz being collected on her tongue.
She put her tongue back in her mouth and swallowed, smacking her lips.
"Mmmmm, tasty," she giggled.
She caressed my dick with her open palm, setting to her task with diligence and determination, licking, sucking, and slurping my semen from my cock and balls. I looked at Gina, who was squeezing her melons, watching enviously.
When Emma had cleaned every drop of cum from my cock, she leaned over me and kissed me, her heavy breasts brushing against my chest. We stood up and stepped out of the tub.
"My legs are, like, so shaky right now," commented Emma.
"I feel pretty drained too. That was amazing, Emma. You are a really good fuck. And I think your mom enjoyed it too."
Gina was still staring at us, her legs spread, exposing her wet pussy, as she continued to knead her gigantic bust.
"Well mom, I hope you've leaarned your lesson. Maybe next time if you're lucky I'll share him with you," Emma addressed her mother, taking her hand from her tit and helping her to her feet.
I handed Gina a towel and the three of us went to the bedroom where the women dressed. We made our way to the door of my flat as Emma and Gina prepared to leave.
"So, 'next time'?" I said, running one hand through Emma's dark hair and the other over the large swell of her breast.
"Oh, there's definitely going to be a next time," replied Emma, kissing me long and hard on the mouth and tugging my rod a few times. Behind her, Gina flashed her tits and winked at me. As the door closed, I returned to the shower and masturbated to the memory of my wonderful afternoon.
I squeezed Emma's soft tits as I blasted my seed into her pussy, watching Gina bring herself closer and closer to orgasm. My spurts began to subside as Emma settled down on top of me, shuddering involuntarily and moaning softly.
"Now it's your turn Gina. Cum for us. Fuck that ass and cum while we watch you," I said, breathing heavily.
Gina moaned and rubbed her clit faster than ever, still thrusting the bottle of lube into her ass. Her tits shook and her mouth opened and closed as she brought herself to climax, screaming and tossing her wet hair about her face. Emma lay slumped against me as we enjoyed the spectacle of her slut mother cumming powerfully for our viewing pleasure. Gina moaned as her orgasm abated, trailing her fingers up her body to her mouth, where she licked her cum from them diligently. She slowly withdrew the bottle of lube from her ass, letting it fall to the bottom of the tub. She touched her anus tenderly as it regained its normal shape, while her other hand roamed to her breasts, caressing them.
I kissed the side of Emma's breast and guided her upwards with my hands on her waist. She supported herself on the wall as she slowly stood, extracting my still engorged cock from her pussy. My dick slipped from her vaginal embrace and fell back onto my stomach. Emma spread her cunt lips with her fingers and remained crouched above me, looking down at her ravaged vagina. She pushed my cum out, and gobs of it dribbled and fell onto my cock, dripping down to my balls. She used her fingers to push more cum out, spilling down and coating my member.
"Oh baby, you came a lot! You really filled me up," cooed Emma, watching as a thick drop rolled down the inside of her thigh.
"Be a good girl and clean him up, honey. Suck his cum off that big cock, and don't forget to lick his balls clean," suggested Gina, more as a request than an order.
Emma turned around and ran her finger along her bare slit, collecting a drop of my cum. She licked it off her finger with relish, then crouched between my knees, looking at me sensually.
"I've made a big mess on you. Let me fix that," she said, then putting her hands on the tops of my thighs, licked me from my scrotum all the way to the tip of my cock, my white jizz being collected on her tongue.
She put her tongue back in her mouth and swallowed, smacking her lips.
"Mmmmm, tasty," she giggled.
She caressed my dick with her open palm, setting to her task with diligence and determination, licking, sucking, and slurping my semen from my cock and balls. I looked at Gina, who was squeezing her melons, watching enviously.
When Emma had cleaned every drop of cum from my cock, she leaned over me and kissed me, her heavy breasts brushing against my chest. We stood up and stepped out of the tub.
"My legs are, like, so shaky right now," commented Emma.
"I feel pretty drained too. That was amazing, Emma. You are a really good fuck. And I think your mom enjoyed it too."
Gina was still staring at us, her legs spread, exposing her wet pussy, as she continued to knead her gigantic bust.
"Well mom, I hope you've leaarned your lesson. Maybe next time if you're lucky I'll share him with you," Emma addressed her mother, taking her hand from her tit and helping her to her feet.
I handed Gina a towel and the three of us went to the bedroom where the women dressed. We made our way to the door of my flat as Emma and Gina prepared to leave.
"So, 'next time'?" I said, running one hand through Emma's dark hair and the other over the large swell of her breast.
"Oh, there's definitely going to be a next time," replied Emma, kissing me long and hard on the mouth and tugging my rod a few times. Behind her, Gina flashed her tits and winked at me. As the door closed, I returned to the shower and masturbated to the memory of my wonderful afternoon.
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